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6 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Jun 04, 2024 09:49 AM


J. Reily Gordon Esq. - Ft. Worth Tex, Dec. 22'nd 1892.
Dear sir;
Mr. A.N.Dawson of our city, claims that he was elected to membership in
the T.S.A.A at a meeting held at Dallas at the time of competition for Worlds Fair
, and that he had paid his $5.00 to Herbert, but has never recieved any
official notice of his election, nor any notice of subsiquent meetings etc. and
asked us to inquire into the matter and see how he stands, can you let us know any -
thing in regard to it?
[dictated] Yours truly,
Arthur A Messer


J. Reily Gordon Esq. - Ft. Worth Tex, Dec. 22'nd 1892.
Dear sir;
Mr. A.N.Dawson of our city, claims that he was elected to membership in
the T.S.A.A at a meeting held at Dallas at the time of competition for Worlds Fair
, and that he had paid his $5.00 to Herbert, but has never recieved any
official notice of his election, nor any notice of subsiquent meetings etc. and
asked us to inquire into the matter and see how he stands, can you let us know any -
thing in regard to it?
[dictated] Yours truly,
Arthur A Messer