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14 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Jun 04, 2024 09:44 AM



architects regarding the position that ''The Southern Archi-
" sustains to this Chapter, the members were earnestly
requested to contribute to its columns and illustrations.

A discussion by several of the members brought out the
fact that the By-Laws do not state specificaliy what should be
considered as unprofessional conduct, and that preferring
charges against a member for making drawings at a reduced
price could be construed as a matter of opinion, and therefore
further, as a matter of persecution: and that said By-Laws can-
not be changed or amended except by publishing the fact at
least thirty days before voting upon such a change; and in
consideration of the desirability to have specific regulations
regarding this and other points that were mentioned; upon
motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich a committee of three was ap-
pointed to revise the Constitution and By-Laws, and at as
early date as possible, to have the Secretary send a copy of
same to each Fellow (at least thirty days before our next
annual meeting) and to give full notice that the same will be
changed at that meeting. Which motion was unanimously
carried, and the Chair appointed Messrs. Morgan, Lind and
H. Wheelock, on said Committee.

On motion of Mr. D. A. Helmich the Conventmn adjourned
till ten o'clock to-morrow morning.


The President: Before proceeding with the business before
the Convention I wish to state that the hospitality of Berry
Bros. has been tendered the architects present and that car-
riages will be in waiting when this meeting adjourns for dinner
for a drive about the city.

On the motion of Mr. Lind it was determined that we will
adjourn at 12.30 to accept the invitation so kindly tendered by
Messrs. Berry Bros.

The President: Mr. Lind has a paper to read before this
Convention on the "Relation of the Architectural Profession
to the Public;" he will now read that paper.


Mr. President and Gentlemen:

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for socie-
ties to hold annual conventions, it seems equally necessary that some-



architects regarding the position that ''The Southern Archi-
" sustains to this Chapter, the members were earnestly
requested to contribute to its columns and illustrations.

A discussion by several of the members brought out the
fact that the By-Laws do not state specificaliy what should be
considered as unprofessional conduct, and that preferring
charges against a member for making drawings at a reduced
price could be construed as a matter of opinion, and therefore
further, as a matter of persecution: and that said By-Laws can-
not be changed or amended except by publishing the fact at
least thirty days before voting upon such a change; and in
consideration of the desirability to have specific regulations
regarding this and other points that were mentioned; upon
motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich a committee of three was ap-
pointed to revise the Constitution and By-Laws, and at as
early date as possible, to have the Secretary send a copy of
same to each Fellow (at least thirty days before our next
annual meeting) and to give full notice that the same will be
changed at that meeting. Which motion was unanimously
carried, and the Chair appointed Messrs. Morgan, Lind and
H. Wheelock, on said Committee.

On motion of Mr. D. A. Helmich the Conventmn adjourned
till ten o'clock to-morrow morning.


The President: Before proceeding with the business before
the Convention I wish to state that the hospitality of Berry
Bros. has been tendered the architects present and that car-
riages will be in waiting when this meeting adjourns for dinner
for a drive about the city.

On the motion of Mr. Lind it was determined that we will
adjourn at 12.30 to accept the invitation so kindly tendered by
Messrs. Berry Bros.

The President: Mr. Lind has a paper to read before this
Convention on the "Relation of the Architectural Profession
to the Public;" he will now read that paper.


Mr. President and Gentlemen:

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for socie-
ties to hold annual conventions, it seems equally necessary that some-