| 290290
Massachusetts, incorporated in 1797, it being
formerly the n. part of Stoughton.]
CANUARI, a small river of the province and
government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the n.
and enters the Rio Grande of the Portuguese, be-
tween the Mbouqui and thePobatini.
CANUEIRAS, a point of the n. extremity of
the island of Santa Catalina, on the coast of
CANUERALES, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of
Chile, situate near the river Diamante.
CANUTO, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Venezuela. It rises in the mountain Ta-
cazuruma, runs nearly s. and enters the river of
La Portuguesa.
CANXA, a small settlement of the head settle-
ment of Orizavá, and alcaldía mayor of Yxmi-
quilpan, in Nueva España.
[CANY Fork, in the state of Tennessee, is a
short navigable river, and runs n. w. into Cum-
berland river, w. of the Salt lick, and opposite
Salt Lick creek, 50 miles in a straight line from
CANZE, a river of the colony and govern-
ment of Surinam, in the partof Guayana possessed
by the Dutch. It rises between the Berbice and
the Corentin, and after a very round-about course,
enters the former, close to its mouth, or where it
runs into the sea.
CAO, Santa Maria Magdalena de, a
settlement of the province and corregimiento of
Truxillo in Peru, situate in the valley of Chicama.
It was the capital in the time of the Indians, and
the number of these 200 years ago was 3000 ; but
now it is reduced to a wretched state, and occu-
pies a small spot on the other side of the river,
being nine leagues distant from its capital.
Cao, with the dedicatory title of Santiago, to
distinguish it from another settlement of the same
province and corregimiento, although they are
both equally poor and reduced. Its inhabitants
maintain themselves by the cultivation of maize,
wheat, rice, and vegetables, which they carry
for sale to the other provinces, so that they are
for the most part a race of carriers, and indeed
possess no inconsiderable droves of mules. It is
six leagues from its capital, just by the sea.
CAOBAS, River of the, in the island of St.
Domingo, in that part possessed by the French.
It rises in the valley of San Juan, runs to the w.
and afterwards changing its course to the n. w. en-
ters the Artibonito.
CAORA, a river which runs down from the
mountains of Guayana to the s. of the lake
Cassipa, into which it enters ; and afterwards
running out at the n. side of this lake, it finds
its way through a subterraneous passage, until it
empties itself into the Orinoco, on its s. shore.
The borders of this river are inhabited by a
nation of barbarous Indians, who wander con-
tinually through the forests without any fixed
abode. They are cannibals as well as the other
Indian tribes around them, and with whom they
keep up a continual warfare.
CAPACA, a settlement of the province of Culi-
acan in Nueva España ; situate near the head set-
CAPACHICA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; situate on
the w. shore of the lake Titicaca.
Capachica, a narrow strip of land formed by
the great lake Titicaca. Of these strips there are
three, and this appears, for the distance of a league,
to be completely divided from any main land.
CAPACHO, a village under the jurisdiction of
the town of San Christoval, in the new kingdom of
Granada ; of a warm temperature ; abounding in
sugar-cane, from which much sugar is manufac-
tured, and in cacao ; but it is much infested by
the barbarian Indians, called the Motilones (short-
haired), who destroy the plantations. It contains
200 house- keepers, and is 24; leagues n. e. of
Pamplona, in the road which leads to Mérida and
La Grita, and eight leagues from the city of San
CAPACMARCO, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.
CAPAIA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Aimaraez in Peru, annexed to the
curacy of Soraica.
Capaia, another settlement in the province of
Barcelona, and governmentof Cumana; situate on
the coast, on the banks of a river of the same
Capaia, a river of the same province and go-
vernment, which rises in the serranía, and after
making many turnings runs into the sea, near the
cape Codera towards the e.
CAPAIAN, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of
the city of Rioja.
CAPAIRE, a settlement of the province of Ve-
nezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate
very near the coast, at the point Colorada, on the
shore of the river Guepe.
[CAPALITA, a large town of North America,
and in the province of Oaxaca. The country
round abounds with sheep, cattle, and excellent
TranslationCANUARI, Río pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos-Ayres, corre al N y entra en el río grande de los Portugueses, entre el de Mbouqui y Pobatini.
CANXA, Pueblo pequeño de la Cabecera de Onzava y Alcaldía mayor de Yxmiquilpan en Nueva-España.
CANZE, Río de la Colonia y Gobierno de Surinam en la parte de la Guayana que poseen los Holandeses. Nace entre los de Berbice y Corentin, y dando muchos rodeos en su curso entra en el nrimero cerca de su boca o salida al mar.
CAO, Santa María Magdalena de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Truxillo en el Perú, situado en el Valle de Chicama, fué la Capital en tiempo de los Indios, y doscientos años hace constaba de 30 Indios, pero hoy está reducido a un miserable estado a la otra banda del río 9 leguas de su Capital.
Tiene el mismo nombre con la advocación de Santiago para distinguirse otro Pueblo de la misma Provincia y Corregimiento, pero tan pobre y reducido como aquel, sus naturales se mantienen con la siembra del maiz, trigo, arroz y otras legumbres que van a vender a las demás Provincias, por lo qual son la mayor parte arrieros, y tienen numerosas requas de mulas. Está 6 leguas de su Capital inmediato al mar.
CAOBAS, Río de las, en la Isla de Santo Domingo, a la parte que poseen los Franceses. Nace en el Valle de San Juan, corre al O, y torciendo luego su curso al NO entra en el de Artibonito.
CAORA, Río que baxa de los montes de la Guayana al S del lago Cassipa en que entra, y después sale de la parte septentrional por un caño que desemboca en el Orinoco a su banda ú orilla austral: en las inmediaciones de este río habita la nación de Indios bárbaros Aravis, vagante siempre por los bosques sin mansión íixa, son Caribes o Antropófagos como los demás que confinan con ellos y tienen siempre continua guerra.
Cabo grueso, punta o extremidad de la Costa del E del lago superior en Canadá, donde empieza su desague para entrar en el de Hurón.
Tiene el mismo nombre otra Punta de la Isla de San Christóval, una de las Antillas en la extremidad del SE, mirando al SO, y es una de las dos que forman la Grand anse o Cala grande.
CAPACA, Pueblo de la Provincia de Culiacán en Nueva-España, situado cerca de la Villa Capital.
CAPACHICA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Paucarcolla en el Perú, situado a la orilla del O de la laguna Titicaca.
Tiene el mismo nombre un estrecho o angostura que forma la gran laguna Titicaca quedando quasi dividida una de las tres por una lengua de tierra.
CAPACMARCO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chumbivilcas en el Perú.
CAPACHO, Pueblo de la jurisdicción de la Villa de San Christóval, en el nuevo Reyno de Granada ; de temperamento cálido, abundante en cañas dulces de que hacen mucha azúcar, y en cacao; pero infestado por los indios bárbaros motilones, que destruyen las haciendas : tiene 200 vecinos, y está 24 leguas al NE de Pamplona, en el camino que va a Mérida y la Grita, y 8 de la Ciudad de S. Christóval.
CAPAIA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Aimaraez, en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Soraica.
Otro Pueblo hay con este nombre en la Provincia de Barcelona y Gobierno de Cumaná, situado en la Costa a orilla del río de su nombre.
Otro Pueblo hay con este nombre en la Provincia de Barcelona y Gobierno de Cumaná, situado en la Costa a orilla del río de su nombre.
Un río de la misma Provincia y Gobierno, que nace en la Serranía, y haciendo varios tornos, sale al mar cerca del Cabo de Codera, hacia el E.
CAPAIAN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucumán, en la jurisdicción de la Ciudad de Rioja.
CAPAIRE, Pueblo de la Provincia de Venezuela y Gobierno de Maracaibo, situado muy cerca de la Costa en la punta Colorada, a orilla del río Guepe.
| 290290
Massachusetts, incorporated in 1797, it being
formerly the n. part of Stoughton.]
CANUARI, a small river of the province and
government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the n.
and enters the Rio Grande of the Portuguese, be-
tween the Mbouqui and thePobatini.
CANUEIRAS, a point of the n. extremity of
the island of Santa Catalina, on the coast of
CANUERALES, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of
Chile, situate near the river Diamante.
CANUTO, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Venezuela. It rises in the mountain Ta-
cazuruma, runs nearly s. and enters the river of
La Portuguesa.
CANXA, a small settlement of the head settle-
ment of Orizavá, and alcaldía mayor of Yxmi-
quilpan, in Nueva España.
[CANY Fork, in the state of Tennessee, is a
short navigable river, and runs n. w. into Cum-
berland river, w. of the Salt lick, and opposite
Salt Lick creek, 50 miles in a straight line from
CANZE, a river of the colony and govern-
ment of Surinam, in the partof Guayana possessed
by the Dutch. It rises between the Berbice and
the Corentin, and after a very round-about course,
enters the former, close to its mouth, or where it
runs into the sea.
CAO, Santa Maria Magdalena de, a
settlement of the province and corregimiento of
Truxillo in Peru, situate in the valley of Chicama.
It was the capital in the time of the Indians, and
the number of these 200 years ago was 3000 ; but
now it is reduced to a wretched state, and occu-
pies a small spot on the other side of the river,
being nine leagues distant from its capital.
Cao, with the dedicatory title of Santiago, to
distinguish it from another settlement of the same
province and corregimiento, although they are
both equally poor and reduced. Its inhabitants
maintain themselves by the cultivation of maize,
wheat, rice, and vegetables, which they carry
for sale to the other provinces, so that they are
for the most part a race of carriers, and indeed
possess no inconsiderable droves of mules. It is
six leagues from its capital, just by the sea.
CAOBAS, River of the, in the island of St.
Domingo, in that part possessed by the French.
It rises in the valley of San Juan, runs to the w.
and afterwards changing its course to the n. w. en-
ters the Artibonito.
CAORA, a river which runs down from the
mountains of Guayana to the s. of the lake
Cassipa, into which it enters ; and afterwards
running out at the n. side of this lake, it finds
its way through a subterraneous passage, until it
empties itself into the Orinoco, on its s. shore.
The borders of this river are inhabited by a
nation of barbarous Indians, who wander con-
tinually through the forests without any fixed
abode. They are cannibals as well as the other
Indian tribes around them, and with whom they
keep up a continual warfare.
CAPACA, a settlement of the province of Culi-
acan in Nueva España ; situate near the head set-
CAPACHICA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; situate on
the w. shore of the lake Titicaca.
Capachica, a narrow strip of land formed by
the great lake Titicaca. Of these strips there are
three, and this appears, for the distance of a league,
to be completely divided from any main land.
CAPACHO, a village under the jurisdiction of
the town of San Christoval, in the new kingdom of
Granada ; of a warm temperature ; abounding in
sugar-cane, from which much sugar is manufac-
tured, and in cacao ; but it is much infested by
the barbarian Indians, called the Motilones (short-
haired), who destroy the plantations. It contains
200 house- keepers, and is 24; leagues n. e. of
Pamplona, in the road which leads to Mérida and
La Grita, and eight leagues from the city of San
CAPACMARCO, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in Peru.
CAPAIA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Aimaraez in Peru, annexed to the
curacy of Soraica.
Capaia, another settlement in the province of
Barcelona, and governmentof Cumana; situate on
the coast, on the banks of a river of the same
Capaia, a river of the same province and go-
vernment, which rises in the serranía, and after
making many turnings runs into the sea, near the
cape Codera towards the e.
CAPAIAN, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of
the city of Rioja.
CAPAIRE, a settlement of the province of Ve-
nezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate
very near the coast, at the point Colorada, on the
shore of the river Guepe.
[CAPALITA, a large town of North America,
and in the province of Oaxaca. The country
round abounds with sheep, cattle, and excellent
Translation |