[CANISSEX, a small river of the district of
CANIOUIS, a race of Indians of the province
and government of Louisiana, inhabiting the shores
of the river Akansas.
[CANNARES, Indians of the province of
Quito in Peru. They are very well made, and
very active ; they wear their hair long, which
they weave and bind about their heads in form of
a crown. Their clothes are made of wool or cot-
ton, and they wear fine fashioned boots. Their
women are handsome and fond of the Spaniards ;
they generally till and manure the ground, whilst
their husbands at home card, spin, and weave
wool and cotton. Their country had many rich
gold mines, now drained by the Spaniards. The
land bears good wheat and barley, and has fine
vineyards. The magnificent palace of Theoma-
bamba was in the country of the Cannares. See
[CANNAVERAL Cape, the extreme point of
ro^s on the e. side of the peninsula of E. Florida.
It has Mosquitos inlet n. by w. and a large shoal
s. by e. This was the bounds of Carolina by
charter from Charles II. Lat. 28° 17' n. Long.
80° 20' w.']
[CANNAYAH, a village on the n. side of
Washington island, on the n. w. coast of N. Ame-
CANNES, Island of the, on the s. coast of
Nova Scotia, between the islands La Cruz and
La V erde.
CANNESIS, a settlement of the province and
government of Louisiana, situate at the source of
the river Rouge, or Colorado, with a fort built by
the French.
CANO, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Huanta in Peru, annexed to the
curacy of its capital.
CANOA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito.
Canoa, a bay in one of the islands of the Cai-
cos, directly to the w. of that of Caico Grande,
looking immediately in that direction, and near
the point of Mongon.
CANOCOTA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Collahuas in Peru, annexed to
the curacy of Chibay.
CANOE, Islands of, in the river Mississippi,
just opposite to where the river Roche runs
into it.
[Canoe Ridge, a rugged mountain about 200
miles w. of Philadelphia, forming the e. boundary
of Bald Eagle valley.]
CANOGANDl, a river of the province and
government of Choco in the kingdom of Tierra
Firrae. It rises in the sierras of Abide, runs to
the w. and enters the Paganagandi.
CANOMA, or Guarihuma, a river of the
province and country of the Amazonas, in the
part possessed by the Portuguese. It rises in the
territory of the Andirases Indians, and enters a kind
of lake formed by different branches of the river
CANONA, a lake of the province and country
of the Amazonas, in the territory of the Portuguese,
and in one of those numerous islands which form
the arms of the river Madera, on the side of the
island of Topinambas..
[CANONNICUT Island, in Newport county,
Rhode island, lies about three miles w. of New-
port, the s. end of which, (called Beaver Tail,
on which stands the light-house), extends about
as far s. as the s. end of Rhode island. It extends
n. about seven miles, its average breadth being
about one mile ; the e. shore forming the w. part
of Newport harbour, and the w. shore being about
three miles from the Narraganset shore. On this
point is J amestown. It was purchased of the In-
dians in 1657, and in 1678 was incorporated by
the name of Jamestown. The soil is luxuriant,
producing grain and grass in abundance. James-
town contains 507 inhabitants, including 16
sIelvcs n
[CANONSBURGH, a town in Washington
.county, Pennsylvania, on the n. side of the w.
branch of Charter’s creek, which runs n. by e.
into Ohio river, about five miles below Pittsburg.
In its environs are several valuable mills. Here
are about 50 houses and an academy, seven miles
n.e.hy e. of Washington, and 15 s. w. of Pitts-
CANOS, Blancos, a small river of the pro-
vince and government of Paraguay, which runs
n. and enters the Nanduygazu.
CANOT, a small river of Louisiana ; it runs
w. between the rivers Ailes and Oviscousin, and
enters the Mississippi.
Canot, another river of N. Carolina. It runs
to the n.w. and enters the Cherokees.
CANOTS, or Canoas, a river of the kingdom
of Brazil, in the province and captainship of San
Pablo. It rises near the coast opposite the island
of Santa Catalina, runs to the w. in a serpentine
course, and serves as the source of the large river
CANSACOTO, a settlement of the kingdom of
Quito, in the corregimiento of the district called
De las Cinco Leguas de su Capital.
CANSEAU, an island of Nova Scotia in N.