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8 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 17, 2016 08:03 PM


I was especially gratified when she wrote to me
that though she had been often in Europe I had
made her stay in Constantinople more pleasant
than any visit she had ever made to a European city!
Now, don't think I have turned to be a vain old
fool, for the compliment was not on account of my
extreme youth -- or personal appearance, but because I
was able to able {sic} to gratify her curiosity, regarding
localities and things to be seen, connected with the
Byzantine period of which the ignorant guides knew
nothing. You will see from the space I have given her
that she made an impression.

I wish so much that some of the
people I know and like would come here in
the summer. I have a steam launch there -- about
the only emblem of rank our Gvrmt allows me --
-- the climate is simply splendid on the Bosphorus
there -- its salt waters, almost cold as ice, as they
flow swiftly from the Black Sea. All sorts of fruits
+ flowers, -- gilded kiaks with Greek + Turkish beauties
with song and guitar, every night gliding over its waters


I am especially gratified when the [m...?] to [?]
then [?] the [had?] [?] often in Europe I had
made her stay in Constantinople mine [?]
than any [?] she had even made to a European city!
[?], don't think I have turned to be a [?] old
fool, for the compliment may not an account of my
[?] youth. [?] afterward, [?] [?] I
may [a..?] to able to gratify her curiosity, [?]
[?] and [?] to be seen coupled with the
Byzantine [?] of which the ignorant[?] guides knew
nothing. [?] [?] see [?] the [?] I have given her
[?] then made an [?].

I wish so much that Lucas of [?]
helped I knew and who knew [?] then in
Mrs.L?. I have a letter saying that [?]
Mrs. Orly endeavors of such one [?] [?] me-
the [?] is heavily [?] an the body [?]
new. Is such poem, always load an idea, they
form [?] [?] Mrs.Beach sea. are lonely friends
[?], [?] kinda notta freak & [?] heavily
with they are great. every higher [?] [?] is netty