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10 revisions
clairehp at Sep 13, 2016 12:00 PM


for this cause has [mine?] exclusively and
[...?] tapes that are sufficient for half a dozen.
They most pleasant voyager [???] I
have [n...] has my [Polter?] [Pal...], [Slu?] staid
her with my [Pal...] for 18 days, and is [milant?] any
exception this must [mitigate?] and test [mif...]
[men...?] I have made any where. No blue stocking
either. just a charming. Natural and thoroughly
[new?] education [n...]. She to[o] has hence [?] with her
here [?] of [?] [Shuea?] interest have not
[...] sue I have seen. On the [.o] ace the [....] (upside down triangle?) [kue..]
far they and any pride [bookface?] that they think
give his trip interest to the city. Thus the [k...a]
when she [marvels?] to thee. I took her there with the
Grand Vazeir (a charming man) who fell in love with
her, as she told her. Then, next day she [dived?] with
the Grand Vazeir [wife?] in a [...rlion] of the palace. [?]
Which I knew nothing. I [?] between a long
letter from her at Rome, giving me a [Aum...] he
[Aulli...] with the Pope and with the queen [?]
who she [deserihes?] a [?] intellectual woman.


for this cause has [mine?] exclusively and
[...?] tapes that are sufficient for half a dozen.
They [mest?] pleasant voyager [???] I
have [n...] has my [Polter?] [Pal...], [Slu?] staid
her with my [Pal...] for 18 days, and is [milant?] any
exception this must [mitigate?] and test [mif...]
[men...?] I have made any where. No blue stocking
either. just a charming. Natural and thoroughly
[new?] education [n...]. She to[o] has hence [?] with her
here [?] of [?] [Shuea?] interest have not
[...] sue I have seen. On the [.o] ace the [....] (upside down triangle?) [kue..]
far they