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12 revisions
matthew.a.coker1998@gmail.com at Sep 06, 2016 09:20 PM


of the Armenian Protestants at Ordou
where half of their numbers can assemble
at a time. For these meetings no special
authorization will be required since the
building already possesses a permit as
a place of worship.
Since the Protestants have shown
respect to the wishes of the Greeks in
abandoning their claim to worship at
their parsonage, they consider that the
Greeks should on their part be [???]
from opposition to the holding of the
Protestant schools in that building which
is in every way adapted to the purpose, and
which offers no possible ground of objection
on the part of others. It is so greatly to be


of the Armenian Protestants at Ordou
where half of their numbers can assemble
at a time. For these meetings no special
authorization will be required since the
building already possesses a permit as
a place of worship.
Since the Protestants have shown
respect to the wishes of the Greeks in
abandoning their claim to worship at
their parsonage, they consider that the
Greeks should on their part be [???]
from opposition to the holding of the
Protestant schools in that building which
is in every way adapted to the purpose, and
which offers no possible ground[?] of rejection
on the part of others. It is so greatly to be