| 2objection. After this question has been
settled and the land approved has been bought
they hope that the Imperial Government
in its solicitude in betray of their enjoyment
of religious privileges, will issue the
Firman authorizing the construction of
the Church immediately on receipt of the
application, with the necessary certificate
from the local authorities. In the
meantime, until the Church is built
this congregation will forgo the privilege
of meeting for worship altogether. This
is because they cannot find a house in
(Ardou?) large enough to accommodate a
gathering of 400 persons. They will hold
regular meetings however in the chapel
of | 2objection. After this question has been settled and the land approved has been bought
they hope that the Imperial Government
in its solicitude in betray of their enjoyment
of religious privileges, will issue the (Firman?) authorizing the construction of
the Church immediately on receipt of the application, with the necessary certificate
from the local authorities. In the
meantime, until the Church is built
this congregation will forgo the privilege
of meeting for worship altogether. This
is because they cannot find a house in
(Ardou?) large enough to accommodate a
gathering of 400 persons. They will hold
regular meetings however in the chapel
of |