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7 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Apr 20, 2024 01:23 PM | |
18Mr. Preston moved that 1000 copies be ordered printed. Mr. W. W. Larmour substituted by insisting 500 copies. Both the original notion and the substitute were withdrawn, and the Ex. Committee were authorized to have printed 1000 copies of the bill. On motion, the convention adjourned to 10:30 Wednesday A.M. Wednesday 10:30 A.M. Meeting called to order by the President. Mr Tobey, in behalf of Capital Contractors, extended an invitation to the Association to visit the granite quarries at Burnet. Mr. Heiner moved that the invitation be accepted: Mr. Dodson moved an amendment that the thanks of the Assocition be extended Mr. Wilke for his courtesy, but that the invitation be declined - which was adopted. On motion, the convention adjourned to 2:30 P.M. Afternoon Session Meeting called to order by the Pres. It was moved by Mr. Dodson that the President appoint two committees, of 3 members each, to nominate affairs for the ensuing year, and also [its?] place for holding the next convention. Carried. | 18Mr. Preston moved that 1000 copies be ordered printed. Mr. W. W. Larmour substituted by insisting 500 copies. Both the original notion and the substitute were withdrawn, and the Ex. Committee were authorized to have printed 1000 copies of the bill. On motion, the convention adjourned to 10:30 Wednesday A.M. Wednesday 10:30 A.M. Meeting called to order by the President. Mr Tobey, in behalf of Capital Contractors, extended an invitation to the Association to visit the granite quarries at Burnet. Mr. Heiner moved that the invitation be accepted: Mr. Dodson moved an amendment that the thanks of the Assocition be extended Mr. Wilke for his courtesy, but that the invitation be declined - which was adopted. On motion, the convention adjourned to 2:30 P.M. Afternoon Session Meeting called to order by the Pres. It was moved by Mr. Dodson that the President appoint two committees, of 3 members each, to nominate affairs for the ensuing year, and also [its?] place for holding the next convention. Carried. |