Page 3


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4 revisions
jrg2262 at Nov 12, 2017 09:24 PM

Page 3

[p.2] likely to outlive me.

Right side:

“Mauritius xmas 1858.
Dear Charles
Yours of 25th October arrived here on the 9th Decm with the London Mail of 9th Nov. I don’t know whether you addressed it direct Yourself, & Left it to take its chance thro’ the Post Office, or if you enclosed it to Gardyne to forward; but it is evident we shall Soon be within easy corresponding distance with any part of the world, for there is a new contract entered into the the Peninsutas & Winter ?* Company to carry a Govt Mail to Australia via Surs *? & Maurituis, which will bring us within 25 days of London! and the Steamers across the Atlantic are constantly running, either from Liverpool or Southampton. When we are more intimate with each other’s occupations to ***? hows more today. I confess I cannot comprehend the sort of life you are leading

Left side:

likely to outlive me, who are in any way dependent on me. – indeed, my only care is that nothing shall fall to them as heirs-at-law as Sir As. Nicholson has shown such a mean avaricious spirit in trying to get hold of anything the poor dear Sojer left. Luckily it can be very little but there is a trifle about E1,000 - or fourteen hundred pounds he devised. Gardyne sent to me when he thought I was in want of it which I did not require. I shall never want but yet consider it as at my disposal to make use of as I think he would have done, in giving to those who best **? or those require it & you are welcome to it if it can be useful to you. Our share in the Shetland lands are still held on Mortgage for the late Wm. Hay as I never touched any part of what fell to me.

The mail does not leave this Isle *? until? the 27th Dec., but wishing you a merry xmas & a good New Years.

Your affect bro (affectionate brother),
R. Jack”

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[p.2] likely to outlive me.