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then losing the most valuable [protective?] article you have with you, a Six Shooter; running all the risks of Yellow Fever, difficulties, dangers & murder from the Indians! All for what? to have nothing to eat, remote from Settlement, Your Pony gone & unable to walk far. Good God! Gold and [?] diamonds could not tempt a man beyond this & what is it all for? can’t you tell me more? In my letter of 12th July 1858. I explained to you as plain as possible, my position; “If I were to talk to you an hour, I couldn’t tell you more. Sir,” as a Cockney once said to me, when I asked him something.

But I tell you again, I am living as happy and comfortable at “Blackwood” as man can be, not knowing how to

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squander enough for every year, my fortune increases like a rolling stone {?} by accumulating interest which I cannot [?spend] never having been used to pride or Extravagance.

The climate here is most delightful all the year round & living most expensive because prosperity is on all sides. [?] upwards of 200,000 Indian Coolies, introduced to cultivate our Sugar fields – Which are not like those of Demarara & Louisana amidst canals & bayou; but planted amidst rocks & stone, the debris of earthquakes & decomposing lava vomited from Volcanos long before the creation of man – but I want to see the End of your letter before I Say more,

Yours affectionately,
R Jack.

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