R. Jack to C. Jack, letter, 1860
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4 revisions | jrg2262 at Nov 12, 2017 09:08 PM | |
R. Jack to C. Jack, letter, 1860
Left side of paper: Mauritius, 8th March 1860 My dear Charles, Yours of 28th Novm/59 reached me by last mail on 15th [?] bearing postmarks, Bandera Tx 5th Decm, New York 21st Dec, British Mail “recv Southampton London Jan 2, the mail for Maurtius leaves on the 18th of every month So, I think the best way for both of us is to put our letters under cover to Gardeyne [apparently a business associate in London] as the center of the world is London. Your letter is again a long Preface! I don’t understand your position yet, wandering from Illinois to Texas, in Search of what? to live alone without a hand to help you except by buying Niggers enormously dear $1400 for 1 man then to run away from you at New Orleans, Right side of paper: Robt Jack Charles Jack Esq. | R. Jack to C. Jack, letter, 1860 |