Testimonio de la escritura de censo de la capellanía que fundó Alonso Mérida y Molina y su mujer, Doña Inés de Perea. México
[Testimony of the census deed of the chaplaincy founded by Alonso Mérida and Molina and his wife, Doña Inés de Perea. Mexico]
title.1: Testimonio de la escritura de censo de la capellanía que fundó Alonso Mérida y Molina y su mujer, Doña Inés de Perea. México
physical_collection: Edmundo O'Gorman Collection
call_number: EOG M-04
date: 1611
author: Mérida y Molina, Alonso
Physical Description
8 folio
Document History
OGorman M.4, Edmundo O'Gorman Collection
Permission Description
Document in the public domain. Please cite the Benson Latin American Collection, The University of Texas at Austin.
Location of Composition
Author Name
Alonso Mérida y Molina