| page_0011Acme Brick Co., San Antonio, Texas.
Vandever Building Products Co., Houston, Texas.
C. H. Ruebeck Brick Co., Waco, Texas
In completing the floor of a quay wall at Balboa,
a squad of five West Indian masons laid 96,000 bricks
in ten hours.
The Alamo Iron Works of San Antonio is well
known to the architects of Texas and their Mr. Holm-
gren has always taken a personal interest in handling
business entrusted to them. His acquaintance with
the trade extends over a period of many years and
his attendance at our state conventions keeps alive
the personal good feelingwe have for him. The Editor
supposes that is the reason he neglected to send in copy for the
year book.
Wisconsin Architects to Be Registered
An architects’ registration law has been passed by the Wisconsin
Legislature providing that after Jan. 1, 1918, no person doing business
in Wisconsin shall make use of the title architect, or so represent
himself without a certificate of registration. A board of five ex-
aminers will have full power to prescribe rules and regulations for the
examination and registering of architects. Candidates will be re-
quired to submit satisfactory evidence as to their thorough knowledge
of building construction, building hygiene, architectural history and
mathematics. Five years’ experience is also required.
In lieu of examination, the board may accept a diploma of grad-
uation from a recognized architectural school supplemented by at
least three years’ experience. Examination may also be waived in
cases where an architect is registered in another state or county
having satisfactory standards. Any person already engaged in the
practice of architecture at the time of the passage of the bill may
receive a certificate without examination.
Another one of our contributors, who failed to get in copy for
the Year Book, is the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. However, as they
state that they will have several representatives in attendance at the
convention, we will probably know all there is to know about them
and their products, particularly as they intend to have an extensive
exhibit. Of course we all know in a general way what they sell and
who they are, but as Mr. Jackson has promised to attend the con-
vention in person, he will no doubt explain in detail anything we
might want to know.
Anything that is standing still is getting ready to move backward.
One valuable forest tree at least is with-
standing the inroads of axe and fire. This
is the white birch, sometimes called the paper
birch or canoe birch, since it furnished the
Indians the material for their famous canoes.
The opinion has been ventured by the
Forest Service that more white birch is now
growing in the United States than was the
case two hundred years ago. It spreads rap-
idly over spaces left bare by forest fires, but
it is a short lived tree and does not prosper
where it has to compete with other trees for
light and soil. No other wood as hard as
birch can be worked with so little dulling of
9 | page_0011Acme Brick Co., San Antonio, Texas.
Vandever Building Products Co., Houston, Texas.
C. H. Ruebeck Brick Co., Waco, Texas
In completing the floor of a quay wall at Balboa,
a squad of five West Indian masons laid 96,000 bricks
in ten hours.
The Alamo Iron Works of San Antonio is well
known to the architects of Texas and their Mr. Holm-
gren has always taken a personal interest in handling
business entrusted to them. His acquaintance with
the trade extends over a period of many years and
his attendance at our state conventions keeps alive
the personal good feelingwe have for him. The Editor
supposes that is the reason he neglected to send in copy for the
year book.
Wisconsin Architects to Be Registered
An architects’ registration law has been passed by the Wisconsin
Legislature providing that after Jan. 1, 1918, no person doing business
in Wisconsin shall make use of the title architect, or so represent
himself without a certificate of registration. A board of five ex-
aminers will have full power to prescribe rules and regulations for the
examination and registering of architects. Candidates will be re-
quired to submit satisfactory evidence as to their thorough knowledge
of building construction, building hygiene, architectural history and
mathematics. Five years’ experience is also required.
In lieu of examination, the board may accept a diploma of grad-
uation from a recognized architectural school supplemented by at
least three years’ experience. Examination may also be waived in
cases where an architect is registered in another state or county
having satisfactory standards. Any person already engaged in the
practice of architecture at the time of the passage of the bill may
receive a certificate without examination.
Another one of our contributors, who failed to get in copy for
the Year Book, is the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. However, as they
state that they will have several representatives in attendance at the
convention, we will probably know all there is to know about them
and their products, particularly as they intend to have an extensive
exhibit. Of course we all know in a general way what they sell and
who they are, but as Mr. Jackson has promised to attend the con-
vention in person, he will no doubt explain in detail anything we
might want to know.
Anything that is standing still is getting ready to move backward.
One valuable forest tree at least is with-
standing the inroads of axe and fire. This
is the white birch, sometimes called the paper
birch or canoe birch, since it furnished the
Indians the material for their famous canoes.
The opinion has been ventured by the
Forest Service that more white birch is now
growing in the United States than was the
case two hundred years ago. It spreads rap-
idly over spaces left bare by forest fires, but
it is a short lived tree and does not prosper
where it has to compete with other trees for
light and soil. No other wood as hard as
birch can be worked with so little dulling of
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