Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



Needs Review


and called on the secy to explain

Mr. Stewart said that he was acting secy at the last annual meeting held in May 1890, that the late secy's books showed Mr. Gordon indebted to the association for two years fees, where as the treasurers papers, which were not produced at that meeting and not received by himself for some days thereafter, showed Mr. Gordon fully paid up, the latter papers had been in the hands of the executive committee for some months previous and should have been produced at the annual meeting and supersede the secretary's books. Mr. Gordon's suspension was an error on the part of the executive committee which the secretary rectified without notifying the committee.

Perhaps he had undertaken a good deal but it was in the interests of justice

Mr. Gordon hoped that if there were charges further than those state they should be announced.

The secy replied that there were no other charges against Gordon further than non-payment of fees and that charge was not sustained.

The secretary had prepared a new set of books, showing what amts had been paid by the members from time to time and would read out the same for their benefit, and any member was invited to look over the same as to its correctness.

Mr. Kane asked for the papers of

Last edit almost 5 years ago by cpmorgan
Needs Review


the late treasurer, Steiner, and if they could be produced.

Mr. Gordon wished to be excused while he was being discussed + was granted permission to leave the room.

The Secy had not the required papers with him, but Mr. Kane could rely on the books being correct. They were absolutely correct as far as the secretar's knowledge went and was surprised at Mr. Kane's want of confidence. Mr. Stewart had no object in shielding Gordon, never having met him until the day previous.

Mr. Gill hoped that ill feeling towards a member of the association would not be sustained

As members of the association we should endeavor to put grudges aside and work together for a common cause + regretted that any petty feelings or jealousies existed, and hoped, if other charges than those already brought forward could be [adduced?], now was time to look into them

Mr. Dickey regretted that there should be any such unpleasant personalities involved, + in order to draw it to a conclusion, begged to move the following resolution:

That the action of the Executive Committee regarding the expulsion or suspension of J. Riley Gordon be not sustained.

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Seconded by Mr. Sanguinet.

Carried 6 to 3.

Mr. J. J. Kane put in his resignation. Seconded by Mr. Messer.

Moved by Dickey that the resignation be not accepted. Seconded by [Sanguinet?]. Mr. Dickey thought that if there were actions against Gordon they should be explained by the Executive Committee to the convention

Mr. Messer was sorry that his sponsor's name should be so freely used, and regretted such proceedings against his friend

Mr. Dickey wished to go into a committee of the whole + settle the matter, but it being generally agreed that such would hardly be consistent, and that time would not permit of such action.

On motion of Mr. Dickey, seconded by Gill, all questions bearing on the suspended member be referred back to the Executive Committee. Carried

Mr. Wahrenberger announced that he would not act on the committee any further in this matter, + the now executive committee would have to settle the differences

After further discussion regarding Mr. Gordon's remaining in the assn. and the discussion growing warm, Mr. J. J. Kane resigned from the assn. but it was not accepted.

The report of the Treasured was read:

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To the Texas State Associaiton of Architects:

Gentlemen: I herewith present to you my report as Treasurer of our association for the year ending January 19, 1891:

To amt. received for membership " " " annual dues " " " from former [?] $150.00

E. J. Heiner



By amt. paid Rob't J. Bibb for printing report $34.00 By secy's exprenses $13.20 Balance in hands of Treas $128.30 $175.50. $175.50.

Amount received by late treasurer Tozer [accounting?] to $2500 has not been handed over to the association as yet.

Respectfully submitted Albert Ulrich Teasurer T. S. A. A.

The prest. appointed the following committee of three members to offer names for officers for the ensuing year: S. P. Herbert, G. E. Dickey + S. B. Haggart, and intimated that he did not wish his name mentioned in connection with any office whatever.

Discussion relative to fees and next place of meeting were dulged in until the nominating committee appeared and the secretary was requested to read the report as

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For President Geo. W. Stewart. " 1st V. Prest. Geo. E. Dickey. " 2nd V " S. B. Haggart. " Secy., A. O. Watson. " Treas., S. P. Herbert. " Ex. Com., Burt McDonald, chairman; Mr. Sanguinet, Albert Ulrich, R. S. Rabitt, Eugene J. Heiner.

On motion, the secretary was instructed to cast a balot in accordance with the report, and the election to be made unanimous.

Mr. Dicket seconded by Mr. Rabitt, put in Galveston as the peace for the holding of the next annual meeting, and there being no further nomination for the same, that city was received unanimously.

Mr. Wahrenberger put in his resignation, which was, however, not accepted.

The following is a list of members in good standing: A. B. Bristol, Denison, Tx Albert J Beckman, San Antonio, " Geo. E. Dickey, Houston, " C. C. Diboll, Dallas, " C. A. Gill, ", " J. R. Gordon, San Antonio, " Alfred Giles, ", " S. B. Haggart, Ft Worth, " Eugene J Heiner, Houston, " PAul Helwig, Austin, " Sam P Hebert, Waco, " Frank W. KAne, Ft Worth, "

Last edit over 4 years ago by cpmorgan
Displaying pages 121 - 125 of 150 in total