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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Jul 02, 2020 09:15 AM | |
83The [bill?] entitled an [?] [regulate?] the practice of architecture in the state of Texas was called up and after [?] discussion with pro & con it was moved by A. O. Watson of Austin. That further discussion on the bill be laid over with Wednesday morning so as to enable the newly elected members to sutdy the bill carefully. Architect Geo W Stewart of Dallas by request of the association [?] a brief well worded history of the character and working of the Dallas Board of Architects as conclusion of which the thanks of the association was tendered architect Stewart The following resolution was offered by A. O. Watson of Austin Resolved the the question of uniform contract between client and architect and client and contractor be set aside for discussion Wednesday. Carried The treasurer Eugene T Heiner submitted the following report Amt [?] from Tres W W Larmour 125.50 Recd order Sect'y W W Larmour 75.00 Report submitted | 83 |