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2 revisions | cpmorgan at May 12, 2020 05:23 PM | |
34of brotherly love, truly represented in her early building the character of her people. Sufficient examples of her early architecture remain at the present day to enable us to speak of her past. She presents to us today in her mile after mile of narrow red brick fronts, white marble steps, green blinds on her upper and white panel shutters on her lower story, the painful monotony as regular and quaint as the uniform dress of her quaker citizens, her style of ornament like her people, simple and plain, chaste and reserve in the use of decoration or ornament. Such has been the past style of the architecture of the quaker City. Her recent public buildings, her business blocks and private dwellings have greatly changed in style, and today her recent buildings, public and private present a degree of architectural elegance for beauty in design, harmony in finsih, domestic comfrot and stability, to challenge and capture the eye by the beauty of her buildings. Of Baltimore we can say but little, she has been the monumental city. Her monuments, public and | 34 |