city in the United States built by Europeans. In New Orleans, also, though to a less remarkable degree. The ancient European character of the town has been preserved. The growth of the modern city has left the old French quarters in many parts unchanged, and its, aspect today in that of a provincial town in the center of France. Take the buildings erected at a later day in New York City and notice the gloom and monotony to be seen on street after street of her brownstone dwellings, built-in the so-called Italian style, narrow fronts, sunken English basements, flat roofs high and narrow winding steps to the principal entrance. They are standing today as evidence to the eye of the costly folly of their. The more recent dwellings which are built in that city by the archtiects of the present day are free rfom the change of monotony. They are evidently built and constructed with a clear view and object for comfrot and present conclusive evidence of the advance made by architecture for domestic comfort and beauty of the buildings of that city. Philadelphia the Quaker City
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