


Status: Needs Review

Washington Architects, I need only glance at one more city to show the wonderful progress and advancement made by the American architect in the last few years. It is not possible for me, in a brief glance, to describe the wonders that have been achieved by American skill in the past few years in that wonderful city. The pride of the West, Chicago. Her buildings stand today noble monuments to genius and skill of her able and accomplished archtects, and may be taken by the European students as models to study the advanced science of Architecture. I cannot close the brief references I have made of the city to which I have referred to without glancing for a moment at our own city of San Antonio, and view the crumbling walls of her massive sturcutres, built mostly, or in part, for religious use under the direction of Spanish and Mexican architects. While we must admit they had the appearance of massive strength, we fail to discover any chaste line of beauty in their design or construction. If we compare the designs of those days with the beautiful designs of

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