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3 revisions
QuareSauce at Jul 02, 2021 08:07 AM


Albert P. Beckmann,

makes it necessary for me to acknowledge
the courtesy shown me by the Assoc.
and I herewith thank the Executive
Committee for their consideration.

As it had been my intention to settle
all my indebtedness to the T. S. A. A. before
I withdrew, and as I have, I believe,
cancelled all claims against me by
the payment of the sum enclosed, I
respectfully request the Executive
Committee to strike my name from
the Roll of Membership.

Wishing your Assocn. all manner
of success in the accomplishment
of its aims I remain
Very truly yours
Albert P. Beckmann


Albert P. Beckmann,

makes it necessary for me to acknowledge
the courtesy shown me by the Assoc.
and I herewith thank the Executive
Committee for their consideration.

As it had been my intention to settle
all my indebtedness to the T. S. A. A. before
I withdrew, and as I have, I believe,
cancelled all claims against me by
the payment of the sum enclosed, I
respectfully request the Executive
Committee to strike my name from
the Roll of Membership.

Wishing your Assocn. all manner
of success in the accomplishment
of its aims I remain
Very truly yours
Albert P. Beckmann