AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings






which resulted in the election of Mr. L. F. Goodrich as the Vice-President.

Upon the motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich, who placed the name of Mr. Tinsley in nomination for the office of Secretary and Treasurer, the Secretary was requested to cast the vote of this Chapter, which resulted in the election of Mr. W. P. Tinsley as Secretary and Treasurer.

Mr. Bruce was then escorted to the chair, and addressed the meeting as follows:


Gentlemen of the Convention :

In assuming the duties of President of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, which we have today organized, I do so with hesitancy, choosing rather that some one else of our number should have been selected, yet at your unanimous call I yield my modest preferences, and promise to do all in my power to elevate the profession of architecture in the South, and to promote the building up of our Chapter, hoping and believing that the initial step which we have taken today may prove beneficial to all of us, and to many others whom we hope will cooperate with us.

Although our numbers are few, and the future seems dark, still we have the promises and encouragement of a large number of our prominent brothers throughout the South, who have consented to record their names as members of this Chapter. It should be the pleasant duty of each and every member to cherish and foster this youthful adventurer upon the public domain, and by their skill and talent direct it into the proper channels, and so assist the officers, one and all, to lift high the standard of our profession and heartily support them in everything looking to the advancementof the varied interests we, as a body, represent; and now let me call your attention to a few thoughts which have been uppermost in my mind for several years.

1st. The education ofthe student in every department of science by a thorough study of the practical, in combination with the theories on which our profession is based.

2d. To prepare them in the broad school of honest dealing with both client and contractor.

3d. A proper standard by which they can be examined by a board of experts, recommended as a State Board, which will endorse them before the world as competent to disburse the large funds, placed in their hands, to the satisfaction of those employing them.

4th. To elevate the profession in the Southern States and interest the executive authorities, so that before the courts and juries we can show that we are worthy of our hire, and in this way impress our business and professional calling on the mind of all, pro bono publico.

Last edit 4 months ago by Mjones



As yet the South is behind in the education of the masses as to our duties and the benefits arising through us as professional servants, but of late we are more and more every year building our monuments of taste and skill in the various cities where the work is carried out in a systematic way, and are thus broadening and expanding our line of business, reaching out even into the smaller hamlets of our Southland.

In the large cities we are, as a profession, getting a stronger foothold, and there is a growing understanding. of the necessity of employing skilled architects. Where a few years ago they were considered use -less sinecures not worthy of a conference with the intelligent committees, now they are considered a necessity.

Let us, as a body, work in unity, each member upholding his services and compensation as a trust to aid in cementing together as brothers all who are engaged in our chosen work, and render us "worthy of the high vocation wherewith we have been called." Gentlemen, I am now ready for the business that may be brought before the Convention.

Upon the motion of Mr. Lind, who placed in nomination the names of Messrs.: Woodruff, Dennis, Morgan, Nixon and Helmick as the Board of Directors, the Secretary was requested to cast the vote of this chapter, which resulted in the election of Mr. D. B. Woodruff, Mr. P. E. Dennis, Mr. T. H. Morgan, Mr.. A. McC. Nixon and Mr. D. A. Helmich as the Board of Directors.

Mr. Nixon, at this point, on behalf of the Atlanta Architects, extended welcome to the visiting architects, and the first meeting of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.


Mr. President, Gentlemen of the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects :

We greet and welcome you to our city, the capital of our State Government, and public instruction; where the free and: pure principles of law and governnient, and all that has the best and most refined social relations, intellect and culture. We are proud, indeed, to record this first meeting of the profession in our city, for the advancement of architecture and its practice.

While taking under consideration our own profession, we can with equal pride notice the steady growth and development of all the industrial cities throughout'the Southern States. They are coming rapidly to the front before the commercial world, and drawing wealth, brains and sinew, of the skillful and scientific, to the fast development of her product of mine and mineral deposits; in manufacturing and mechan-

Last edit 4 months ago by Mjones



ical industries, for the advancementof all structural habitations for the convenience and greater comfort of man. Care of the abundant resources and accumulation of wealth we can note with a marked degree of advancement; the enjoyable luxuries of dwellings, and also a more thorough sanitation.

Building from the earliest times has been an art which has encouraged and influenced the humblest in wealth and intelligence, as well as the skilled mechanic and artist, where aim has been to hand down to future generations constructive and decorative work with good taste and judgment, to meet the ever increasing demands of necessity and wealth. Let us then unite with one purpose, and resolve to shield our profession and guard its legitimate interests for the architectural practitioners as well as the public good, where we live; then we shall be sustained by law and justice, and place our practice upon the intelligent basis of past and tried procedure and look to the best interests of all, uncontrolled by wrong motives or unprincipled ends. Let us ever be ready to correct error and join fraternally upon all occasions and shake the right hand of fellowship in token of good faith and dependence upon each other, and our best efforts will succeed by so sustaining all laws and rules of practice.

Unity made America the great nation she is to-day; so upon her free and pure principles let us combine to win the respect and confidence of our fellow business men, and assist to develop and push the interests and wide resources of every community, for good to all; and to accomplish this we must assist each other. Territory is vast, and as yet left for the public-spirited and industrious citizen for generations, to develop, a great deal of which will be used for the erection of various public and private works of importance. Brother Architects, in conclusion let me state that the unsurpassed climate of the South, with all combined efforts we are putting forth, will invite the millions of people to the health, peace and plenty to all who may wish to dwell in our midst. Gentlemen, while you are our guests in this Gate City, we hope that our humble efforts to make your stay a pleasant one will be successful.

Upon the motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich a vote of thanks was unanimously tendered Mr. Nixon, and that the address of welcome be spread upon the minutes of this meeting.

On motion of Mr. Morgan the President and Secretary were requested to take the proper steps to procure the necessary Charter for this Chapter from the American Institute of Architects.

On motion of Mr. Lind the President, Secretary and Mr. Norrman were requested to act as a committee to secure a Seal for this Chapter.

On motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich a committee of three

Last edit 4 months ago by Mjones



(3) members -- Messrs. Helmich, Morgan and Woodruff was appointed to take into consideration the evil effects of architectural competitions as at present indulged in by the profession, in the Southern States; and to make a report at the session to-morrow morning.

At this point Mrs. Wilson, representative of the Acme Paints, was introduced to the Chapter by Mr. Helmich, and the merits and desirability of the said paints having been briefly set forth by the fair representative, the motion of Mr. Norrman, recommending that the members of this Chapter give these paints a fair trial when the opportunity was afforded, was unanimously adopted.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Nixon:

In consideration of the malpractice carried on by so-called architects in communities: Therefore, Be it Resolved, That a committee of three (3) members be appointed to draft a bill regulating the practice of architects, in which shall be embodied all the legal and professional rights of the duly licensed architect; and it shall be the purpose and sense of this Chapter to push this matter before the Legislative bodies of the Southern States for its passage.

Which resolution was unanimously adopted, and the following committee was appointed: Messrs. Nixon, Helmich and Dennis.

On motion of Mr. Woodruff the courtesies extended by 'The Georgia Marble Co., The Atlanta Lumber Co., and of Messrs. Pellegrini & Castleberry, manufacturers of Terra Cotta work; and invitations to visit their respective works were accepted, and noon to-morrow was designated as the time for carrying out the program, as arranged.

On motion of Mr. Helmich the meeting adjourned to ten (10) o'clock to-morrow morning.


According to adjournment, the meeting reassembled at ten o'clock this morning, with Mr. Bruce in the Chair.

On motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich, all members of this Chapter were requested to pay immediately such amounts as is properly due from each for membership fees and annual dues; so that the necessary funds may be in the treasury for carrying on the work of the Chapter.

Last edit 4 months ago by Mjones
Needs Review



The Committee on Competitions submitted the following report:

Your Committee begs leave to report that after due consideration we consider the time premature, and recommend thatat present no action be taken, and we recommend that it be the sense of this Chapter that its members shun all competitions in which Contractors are allowed to compete.

The report was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes of the convention.

On motion of Mr. Nixon the Secretary was empowered to draw on the funds of the Chapter for incidental expenses, including engraving, printing, postage, stationery, and such other matters as in his discretion are necessary for carrying on the business of his office, and the welfare of the Chapter.

On motion of Mr. Helmich the Secretary was instructed to prepare and have printed in a neat form, suitable for framing, the Schedule of Charges, etc., as adopted by this Chapter -say 10 x 16 inches square, and that the members each be charged with their respective portions of the cost of same.

On motion of Mr. Nixon the resolution was carried, recommending that all members of this Chapter encourage and endeavor to formulate in their midst, architectural sketch clubs, for the advancement of their draughtsmen and pupils engaged in regular practitioners' offices.

On motion of Mr. Nixon the names of the Architects who have applied for membership in this Chapter, and those who have expressed a willingness to become members, were referred to the Board of Directors for a report at this meeting, and to this end the Chapter took a recess for a few minutes.

Upon reassembling, the Board of Directors recommended for membership the names of the following named architects : A. S. Eichberg, Savannah, Ga.; James B. Cook and C. C. Burke, Memphis, Tenn.; J. G. Longstreet, Gainesville, Ga.; Alexander Blair, Macon, Ga.; H. C. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn.; Frank Niernsee, Columbia, S. C.; T. H. Maddox, James Maddox, F. L. Rousseau, W. S. Smith, Charles Wheelock and Harry Wheelock, Birmingham, Ala.; M. J. Dimmock and Carl Ruehrmund, Richmond, Va.; James F. Hutchenson, Mobile, Ala.; W. T. Cotter, Jacksonville, Fla.; Albert Toledano and S. R, Duval, New Orleans, La,; and J.

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