tricity, the two are rapidly and gradually coming together, as without
doubt every architect and electrician has experienced.
An architect is seldom,if ever, seen who has not expressed a desire
or thought to be more fully posted on subjects pertaining to electricity,
and on the other hand there are very few buildings being erected to-day
in which architecture and electricity do not display a prominent part.
My desire at this time is to mention a few of the most important sub-
jects in which the two are the more closely related, and although cover-
ing a very large field, they can be condensed to such an extent as to be
expressed under two headings, namely: "Electric Lighting" and
"Transmission of Power."
Referring to the former, each architect present has probably devoted
a great amount of time and thought to this subject, when having on
hand a building of considerable size which is to be wired for electric
lights, or in which an isolated electric lighting plantis to be used.
I will not only suggest for the future, but comment on the past, by say-
ing that, as a rule, in the construction of buildings, no provision is
made for properly locating the wires and wiring devices; but this is left
for the electrical contractor to find for himself the best location he can,
which is generally "a round-about course" in "an out-of-the-way
In commenting I am in no way finding fault, as, owing to the com-
paratively short time the two have been brought together there has been
no very convenient time in which to refer to the work; but by unison
in our efforts the desired result can be obtained, which is, through ex-
perience, to superintend the erection of buildings of different classes so
they will be not only neat in appearance, and safely constructed, but
conveniently planned as to the fittings of different kinds. The remark
is often made that electricity is in its infancy, and while this is true
we must also acknowledge that electricity is here, and must be cared
for as well as any other industry.
It is customary, in planning buildings, to make provisions so that the
main steam, gas, water and drain pipes are carried through the structure
in a systematic manner, which not only reduces the cost of installing,
but facilitates and lessens the cost of repairing if needed in future.
This plan in connection with electric lighting should also be observed
and carried out for the same reasons. Electricity is rapidly coming in
general use, not only for store and general use, but for residence light-
ing; and each building erected should have, if possible, a little space
near its centre, running from the basementto the attic, in which can be -
placed the gas meter and main feeder, the electric meter with its main
wires and wiring devices, as well as the batteries and wires necessary for
operating the annunciators, burglar-alarms, watchman's clock and
automatic gas-lighting attachments. This is not only convenient and
desirable, but by concentrating and giving these well-earned, labor-
saving necessities a place, it makes them more perfect by reducing the
chances for a possible interruption to the service, and if additions, altera-