Texas State Association of Architects Correspondence



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[letterhead] Albert [T?.] Beckmann,


Cor. Commerce Navarro Streets.

San Antonio Jany 19th 1891

Mr Geo W. Stewart. Secretary [I?]. S. A. A. Dallas. Tex.

Dear Sir.

Acknowledging your favors Of Dec 18/90 + Jany 5/91, [I?] send you enclosed P.O. Money order for $20.00 same being my annal dues for 97-88-89-90. I am almost ashamed to acknowledge owing so much. A year ago I intended to settle but being in Mexico, did not do so. When Mr [Hahrenbergen?] returned from the convention in May I understood that I was suspended at that time, and was rather surprised when, receiving your letters, I saw that I was still considered a member in good standing. Of course this notification

Amt handed [? ??an???]

Last edit about 3 years ago by Dahm


Albert P. Beckmann, Architect.

1890 makes it necessary for me to acknowledge the courtesy shown me by the Assoc. and I herewith thank the Executive Committee for their consideration.

As it had been my intention to settle all my indebtedness to the T. S. A. A. before I withdrew, and as I have, I believe, cancelled all claims against me by the payment of the sum enclosed, I respectfully request the Executive Committee to strike my name from the Roll of Membership.

Wishing your Assocn. all manner of success in the accomplishment of its aims I remain Very truly yours Albert P. Beckmann

Last edit about 3 years ago by QuareSauce
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C.A. Gill. J.S. Moad. J.O. Gill.

Gill, Moad & Gill, ARCHITECTS AND SUPERINTENDENTS, ROOMS 304 and 305, COCKRELL BUILDING Dallas, Texas, Jan 19 189/

To the Executive Co, T.T.A. Architects,


I beg to make application for membership in the Texas State Assn. of Architects agreeing to abide by its constitution and laws. C. A. Gill

Albert Ullrich Geo. W. [D.?] [?] Accepted.

//note// Accompanied by $10 //note// which was handed to //note// treasurer.

Last edit about 3 years ago by QuareSauce
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