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1920-10 The Concrete Age 33, no. 1
October, 1920. THE CONOR ETE AGE 31 Adamantile For beauty, economy and permanence, floor your buildings with Adamantile a dense, practical cement flooring tile manufactured under high power, hydraulic pressure. Write for Adamantile booklet. National Mosaic Tile Company Manufactuers & Contractors - MOBILE, ALA. 111111111111 • 111111 11 111 1111111 11 111111 1111 1111 11111 > 1111 1M1 111 f 1111111111 111 i!(I >! n 1111 III! 11:1IIMI! i 11IK 111111111111111111111111 111111 l llllllllll^
Be Alive to Your Opportunity and Buy or Sell |
32 THE CONCRETE AGE ( h 'TOBER, 1920, A. r XX ! THE ONLY SCREW HOLES IN THE WORLD a § You drive the screw holes with a hammer in any material. The screw holes are made for wood screws or machine screws to fit all sizes of screws. The head is removed and you leave a permanent screw hole. The Stine Screw Holes Co. Some of the Reasons Why Screw Holes Will Be Bought and Used and Not Become Dead Stock for Anyone. 1— They can be used without damage to receiving material. 2They enable you to standardize to wood or machine screws in all material. 3They are made of brass and will not rust undt atmospheric or moisture conditions. 4 ECONOMY—They save more time value than the holes cost. 5You get them for nothing and are paid for using them when you count time saved. 6Screw holes have been needed ever since the first screw was used. 7Special tools are NOT needed in using them in any material. 8 They can be used in any place a screw can be used. 9 —By using screw holes, screws can be used in many places, and in many materials where it is impossible to use screws without them. 10—These are the only ready-made screw holes in the world. 11 — No special screws are needed. These screw holes fit any wood screw or machine screw now in stock. 12—They make the neatest possible job in any material. 13—Every store where screws are sold must carry them in stock, because the line of screws is not complete without screw holes for them. 14—Every shop and factory where screws are used must also have these screw holes to fit the screws. 15—They are endorsed by all dealers in screws and by all users of screws. 16—Screw holes are entirely new and the world supply is yet to be furnished. 17— This is a progressive Old World of ours, and every active person in it must adopt all improved methods, and all new articles that will help him keep in the front line of progress. 18— Be among the first to stock up in screw holes if you are a dealer in screws. 19 Be among the first to install screw holes in your shop or factory, as you begin to save money soon as you use them. 20— In spite of the high cost of brass, screw holes are yet cheap. 21— We are letting the world know that screw holes can now be secured, by means of extensive advertising in all the principal Trade Journals that have the largest circulation among dealers in screws as well as users of screws. 22Do not let your customer ask you for screw holes before you have them in stock. BE A LIVE WIRE. 23 They make everlasting holes in any material. 24 They mean “Plug-No-More” screw holes. 25 They are the result of Necessity being The Mother of Invention. 26 Anyone who can drive a nail can use screw holes. 27 Send for a sample and convince yourself. 28—Mechanics who see them say, “What do you think of that?” 29 In fact there are NO REASONS why screw holes should NOT be used. Each of these reasons is enough to sell S:rew Holes. There are many other reasons. Write at once for our handsome Color Card showing screw holes in various materials which will be sent on request, together with samples and price list.
October, 1920. 33 THE CONCRETE AGE WANTED—CEMENT CHEMIST AND OUTFIT. WANTED —Experienced cement chemist, must be capable of acting as assistant manager. WANTED—Complete second-hand cement plant and laboratory outfit. Must be in first-class condition. WANTED —Complete second-hand cement plant machine shop. ROBERTSON COLE COMPANY, Singer Building, NEW YORK, N. Y. SINGER CHIMNEY CO (Not Inc.) Engineers and Builders of Radial Brick Common Brick Reinforced Concrete CHIMNEYS Home Office: CHICAGO, ILL., 2842 Southport ST. LOUIS, MO., 1906-12 Pine St. MILWAUKEE, WIS., 63 I M. & M. Bank Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., Metropolitan Life Bldg. C. A. P. Turner, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Engineer 816 Phoenix Bldg., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete-Steel Construction. COOK & LAURIE GRAVEL COMPANY Capacity 15 Cars Per Day Washed and Screened gravel and Sand for all purposes. Concrete Gravel, Roofing Gravel, Reinforced Concrete Gravel (thoroughly tested and proved superior to granite in fire resisting qualities), Pea Gravel, Screened Sand, Concrete Sand, Marble Sand (finest for sawing marble). Used throughout Georgia and Alabama. 91/9 Madison Ave. : MONTGOMERY, ALA. GRAVEL PIT, COOK’S, ALA. KIRKPATRICK SAND AND CEMENT CO. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA All Grades of Sand and Gravel for construction and foundry purposes. CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED CARS DAILY. THE POLK SYSTEM All Steel Machines for all kinds of Circular Concrete Construction We Contract Grain Storages. Polk Genung Polk Company 521 Occidental Bldg., Fort Branch INDIANAPOLIS, IND. INDIANA
ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS A. & J. Mfg. Co 6 Acme Hollow Wall Co 5 American Steel & Wire Co 35 Art Stone Co 2 Austin Company ,F. C 4 Bates Valve Bag Co. Front Cover Belmont Iron Works 6 Brock’s Concrete Roofing Tile Back Outside Cover Bruner, P. M Back Page Bryan Electric Co 28 Burrell Mfg. & Sup. Co 3 Calvert Mortar Color Works... 33 Central of Georgia Railway.... 35 Chesley Co., A. C 6 Cincinnati Iron & Steel Co 35 Clinclifield Portland Cement C0.'29 Commonwealth Motors Co 34 Cook & Laurie Gravel Co 33 Dixie Portland Cement Co 3 Empire Metal Tank Works.... 26 Economy Drawing Table C0....31 Flexo Concrete Mould Co 30 Foote Bros. Gear & Mch. C0... 30 Giant Portland Cement Co 26 Griffith, M. J 28 Handy Sack Baler Co 3 Henry Airtight Weatherstrip Co. 9 Hall Culvert Co 31 Hills-McCanna Co 29 Hotchkiss Metal Form Co 29 Kemper Granite Mold Co 9 Kirkpatrick Sand & Cement Company 33 Kramer Automatic Tamper C 0... 3 Kuhl, H. B. Fred 2 LaGrange Specialty Co 28 Lombard Iron Works’ 29 McAdam Cement Works 4 Martin Co., L 35 Martin Rocking Fifth Wheel Company 27 Merchants & Evans Co 7 Miami Trailer Co 31 Hat. Plastic Relief Co 6 National Mosaic Tile Co 31 Newman Mfg. Co. ...Back Cover Noblett Mfg. Co. . . . Front Cover Ohio Tile Machinery Co. 5 Pipe Railing Const. Co. Front Cover Polk-Genung-Polk Co. 33 Portland Cement Association... 25 Portland Cement Products C0... 5 Pyramid Products Co. Back Cover Ray County Concrete Mfg. Co. Front Cover Republic Iron Works 28 Robertson-Cole Co 33 Rowe Mfg. Co 3 Sauerman Bros 2 Sasgen Derrick Co.. . . .Back Cover Sealer Distributing Co 9 Smith Silo Hardware Co 28 Snpad Architectural Iron Works 28 Southern States Portland Cement Company 34 Standard Cement Const. Co 2> Standard Port. Cem. Co 4 Starks Mfg. Co 2 Standard Port. Cem. Co. Front Cover Stine Screw Holes Co 32 Schlueter, M. L 4 S. P. Stone Co Singer Chimney Co 33 Turner, C. A. P 33 Taylor Lumber Co 29 Universal Road Machinery C0...28 Universal Cement Mold Co 26 United States Tent & Awning Co 2 Vincennes Bridge Co 35 Walker Adjustable Scaffold Co. Back Cover Warren-Knight Co 4 Wichita Concrete Machy. C0...29 Williams & Co., C. K. Back Outside Cover Willis Mfg. Co 34 October, 1920. THE CONCRETE AGE FAMOUS SHARPE MORTAR MIXER Mixes Mortar, Plaster, Cement, Fire Clay or Concrete. Will Supply 50 to 75 Bricklayers. Belt Pulleys to Operate Other Machinery. Run for 30 cents per day. The Result of 20 Years Experience. AGENTS WANTED. Commonwealth Motors Company, CHICAGO, ILLS. SSSfiX Southern States Portland Cement SOUTHERN gTATES PORTLAND CEMENT We produce only one grade —THE HIGHEST ALWAYS UNILORM LET US QUOTE YOU Southern States Portland Cement Co. Office and Mills ROCKMART, GEORGIA
O CTO HER, 1920. THE CONCKET E AGE 35 THE CINCINNATI IRON AND STE E L COMPANY CINCINNATI, U. S. A. Offers CISCO Service To All Users of IRON AND STEEL We carry large stocks of all products THE L. MARTIN CO. headquarters for LAMP BUCK SINCE 1849 We specialize in blacks for Sidewalks, Concrete Blocks, Mortar Joints. If you want that cool clear blue gray tone and smooth finish without streakiness specify and use blacks made only by THE L. MARTIN CO. Originators of “Old Standard.” “Eagle.” “Pyramid,” “G-lobe,” ‘ ‘ Germantown ’ ’ Brands. 81 Fulton Street New York AND ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS Address “Dept. B.” Willis Mfg. Co. Manufacturers of all of Sheet Metal Building Products Send for our 180-page fully illustrated catalog which contains a vast amount of information on sheet metal products. The contractor’s T'st reference book. \ Willis Manufacturing Company Galesburg, Illinois. Concrete Roads Must Be Reinforced It is demonstrated beyond doubt that to make concrete roads proof against heavy motor traffic, weather and time, a fabric of steel must be incorporated in the concrete. Several great states have so ruled AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY’S CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT fulfills every engineering requirement Services of our road engineers always available—free Send for book on road building American Steel & Wire Company Chicago New York VINCENNES BRIDGE CO. Bridges, Structural Work VINCENNES, : : INDIANA Addres* nearest office MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA
T HE’ CONC R E T E AG E October 1920. 36 “Why we prefer WALKER SILO SCAFFOLDS” By Heim Construction Co., 617 Lockerbie St., Indianapolis, Ind. “We wish to state that the two scaffolds we purchased of you are in use every day and give perfect satisfaction; we have just finished building 17 coal pockets ranging from 16 by 30 ft., to 20 by 30J/2 ft, and at the present cost of lumber and labor you can see we saved money by using your scaffolds; that isn’t taking into consideration the element of safety for we have had from two to five men working on your scaffold every day and we have not had an accident serious enough to lay a man up for an hour during the entire summer. “Your scaffold is made heavy enough to be absolutely safe and light enough to make it perfectly easy for two men to handle. Thanking you for the square deal you have given us in every way, we remain. “Heim Construction Co., “By H. E. Heim, V.-P.” The Walker Scaffold is quickly adjusted to different sized silos, strong, rigid, easily raised, quickly taken down and handily transported. Walker Adjustable Scaffold Co. URBANA, ILLINOIS mmmm roofing t Concrete Roofing Tile for Factory and Residence; also Roofing Tile Machines. Brock Bros. Manufacturing Co., 4334 Hunt Ave., ST. LOUIS, MO. A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS’ DERRICKS &T SASGEN’S = Latest Illustrated Circular E E Will show you how to get the right derrick at = = the right price, and get it quick. Write now E E for Circular No. 20. =
SASGEN DERRICK CO., Grand & Albany Aves., CHICAGO |