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AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings

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ORGANIZATION AND PROCEEDINGS OF The Southern Chapter OF THE American Institute of Architects AT Atlanta, Ga. Feburary 17, 1892.

Pursuant to a call,--published in circular form, and also in "The Southern Architect," dated Atlanta, Ga., January 13th, 1892, and signed by Thos. H. Morgan, E. G. Lind, and A. C. Bruce; Fellows of the American Institute of Architects; and G. L. Norman and W. W. Goodrich, architects, Atlanta, Ga.;--for a meeting of the Architects of the Southern States, for the purpose of forming the Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects; and the following named architects: Thos. H. Morgan, E. G. Lind, G. L. Norman, A. C. Bruce, W. W. Goodrich, W. T. Downing, and A. McC. Nixon, of Atlanta, Ga.; D. B. Woodruff, and P. E. Dennis, of Macon, Ga.; L. F. Goodrich, of Augusta, Ga.; D. A. Helmich, of Birmingham, Ala.; and W. P. Tinsley, of Lynchburg, Va.;--assembled in the parlor of the Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga., at three (3) o'clock P. M., February 17th, 1892, and was called to order by Mr. Bruce, and upon his motion Mr. Woodruff was chosen temporary Chairman, who briefly stated the object of the meeting.

On motion of Mr. Helmich, Mr. L. F. Goodrich was chosen temporary Secretary.

Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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