Pages That Mention Herbert
Texas State Association of Architects Correspondence
J. Reily Gordon Esq. - Ft. Worth Tex, Dec. 22'nd 1892. SAN ANTONIO TEX. Dear sir; Mr. A.N.Dawson of our city, claims that he was elected to membership in the T.S.A.A at a meeting held at Dallas at the time of competition for Worlds Fair Building, and that he had paid his $5.00 to Herbert, but has never recieved any official notice of his election, nor any notice of subsiquent meetings etc. and asked us to inquire into the matter and see how he stands, can you let us know any - thing in regard to it? [dictated] Yours truly, Arthur A Messer
Messer, Sanguinet & Messer: Architects
Kendricks Building, Fort Worth, Texas
Dec. 29th 1892
J. Reilly Gordon Esq: Sec'y
Dear Sir:
I herewith send copy of report of Treasurer, which was sent to me by Mr. Stewart, having been left in his hands after last meeting. I also received a check for $95.00 from Herbert, which as you will see does not quite agree with the report, but still leaves me in a position to satisfy the most pressing creditors of the Ass'n and relieve it of its immediate necessities, which I will do, if you will have the enclosed accounts properly countersigned, according to the constitution.
Yours Truly,
P.S. There is also an old account against J. J. Kane, for $4.37 for gold badge, which is the only one remaining unpaid.
Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings
we now proceed with the election of officers for the ensuing year and the place of meeting and that the president appoint a committee of three members to nominate the officers.
The president appointed architects Heiner, Tobey, and Tyndall committee on nominations.
The committee reported the following members for nomination;
First-Vice President James Wahrenberger San Antonio
Second-Vice President Cortez Clark, Dallas
Executive Committee _ J. J. Kane Fort Worth. Chairman, Nat'l Tobey, Dallas. A. O. Watson, Austin, W. H. Tyndall, Galveston, S. P. _ Herbert, Waco. _
Secretary, W. W. Larmour. Waco
Treasurer, E. J. Heiner, Houston
The report of the committee was received and the secretary was insturcted to cast one ballot for each of the officers.
On motion of E. J. Heiner the ballot was declared unanimous.