Texas State Association of Architects

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Pages That Mention James J. Kane

Texas State Association of Architects Expenses-Dues



List of members in arrears for due for the year 1899 & 90

[Alfred] Albert F. Beckmann //note// Pd. Cortez Clark Geo E. Vickey //note// Pd. Sam. P. Herbert //note// Pd. Geo. E. King Oscar Ruffini //note// Pd. W. H. Tyndall Guy M. Tozer Albert Ullrich //note// Pd. J Wiley Gordon. //note// Pd.

Mentions paid dues and in hand of the secretary J.J. Kane 5.00 F.W. Kane 5.00 Geo. S. Kane 5.00 A.O. Watson 5.00 20.00

WW Larmour Secty. T.S.A.A. May 10/90

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Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer

Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



Austin Tex. Jan'y 19th 1886

Minutes of the proceedings of the Convention of Architects held at Austin Jan'y 19th 188

Meeting called to order by S A J Preston Committe on State Organization of (W.A.A) Western Association of Architects -

On motion of J N Preston [?] - W.W. Larmour was chosen temporary chairman and on motion of J. Andrewartha S A J Preston was chosen temporary secretary and Oscar Ruffini assistant-[sect'y?] -

The following by J N Preston was read and adopted - Resolved That it is the sense of this meeting that a state association of Architects lie now or [?] in this place

On motion letters were read from absent architects -

Moved by J Andrewartha that the chair appoint [a com?] or permanent organization caused the chair appointed the following Com. [Mep N. Tobey?], J.N. Preston, J. Andrewartha, W.C. Dodson, and J. J Kane -

Moved by A.M.C. Nixon that a recess be taken to all the Com. [?] - carried.

Meeting called to order and the [?] organization reported as follows. Mr. Chairman [your?] [?] on permanent organization have the honor to report as follows. For President J.J. Cain of Fort Worth. First Vice President J.N. Preston of Austin, Second Vice President Nathaniel Tobey of Galveston. Sect'y S A J Preston of Austin. Treasurer + Ass. Sect'y W.W. Lamour of Waco. Com. N. Tobey Chair J.J. Cain, W.C. Dodson, J N Preston, J Andrewartha, Sect'y

Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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Moved by J Andrewartha that the names recommended by the Com. be considered elected unanimously [named?]

J.J. Cain was escorted [to?] the cair by Mr. J N Preston, in a few [appropriate?] remarks he thanked the [?] for the honor [confessed?] -

An address of welcome was then by J. Andrewartha

Moved by J N Preston that a vote of thanks be [accolated?] to Mr. Andrewartha for his eloquent address which was carried.

Moved that the said address was to the published and embodied in the proceedings of the convention

Moved by W.W. Lamour that the chair appoint a [Com?] on membership, which was [?] - the chair appointed Mr. Andrew.

Moved by J.N. Preston that a [Com?] on constitution by-laws be appointed. Carried the chair appointed [?] Preston, Andrewartha + Dodson.

Moved that to procure a [Com?] charter be appointed carried. The chair appointed [?] J. Larmour, A M C Nixon, O. Ruffini and the secretary

Moved to adjourn until 3 pm caused

Last edit over 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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Afternoon session 3 pm

Meeting called to order - President in the chair

The [Com?] on membership reported the following as charter members

[?] J.J. Kain of Fort Worth A.N. Dawson J.E. Flanders Dallas W.C. Dodson Waco W.W. Larmour [?] W.W. Dudley [?] Nathaniel Tobey Galveston N.J. Clayton " W.H. Lydall " J. Larmour Austin A.M.C. Nixon " J.N. Preston " S.A.J. Preston " Oscar Ruffini " Jn. Andrewartha " E. T. Heiner Houston Geo. E. Dickey " Alfred Giles San Antonio James Wahrenberger " Albert Beckmann "

Names accepted report adopted and [com?] discharged

By request the com. on constitution and by law was allowed further time to report

After discussion by [?] Dodson Preston and Andrewartha in regard to standing it was decided by vote to defer

\left margin/ Also Haggart Fort Worth F.W. Kane [dr?]

Last edit 8 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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Afternoon session 2:30 pm

President called the meeting to order and the report of the com. on charter and [seal?] was received [&?] requesting further time in which to report which was granted

On motion it was decided to refer to the executive com. the question of drafting a final bill [repudiating?] the practice of architecture for presentation to the legislature -

It was moved and carried that this association hold its next regular meeting in Austin on the third Tuesday of January 1887.

On motion an appropriation of $75.00 was made for the purpose of procuring charter paying for [?] and [?] expenses -

The name of J J Caine of Fort Worth was proposed for membership in this Ass'in and on motion his name was added to the list of charter members -

The follow resolution was adapted

Resolved that the thanks of Texas State Ass'in of Archts be tendered to [W] Tom Smith for the use of the Parlors of the Hotel Brunswick for the meetings of this convention.

On motion the secty was authorized to have printed five hundred copies of the Constitution, By Laws and Rules of Practice.

Last edit 7 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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