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Pages That Mention jurisdicción de la Ciudad de Santiago del Estero

The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




either in the service of the United States during the war, or fled to them for protection. The indigence or ill habits of these people occasioned the breaking up of the settlement, and a better sort of inhabitants have now taken their place. The lands are fertile, and two rivers run through it, well stored with fish. It has 575 inhabitants, and three slaves. By the state census of 1796, 76 of the inhabitants are electors.)

CHAMPLAIN, a lake of the same province, of more than 20 leagues in length, and from 10 to 12 in width, abounding in excellent fish. It was discovered in 1609 by a French gentleman of tlie name of Champlain, who gave it his name, which it still retains. It communicates with a smaller lake called Sacrament, and the canal passing from one side to the other of these is extremely rapidand dangerous, from the inequality of its bottom. At the distance of 25 leagues to the s, are some very lofty mountains, which are covered with snow, and in which are found castors and a variety 'of animals of the chase; and between these mountains and the aforesaid lake are some beautiful level meadows or llanuras^ which, when first discovered, were well peopled with Iroquees Indians ; but these have greatly diminished in numbers, through the continual wars Avith the French and English. [This lake is next in size to lake Ontario, and lies e. n. €. from it, forming a part of the dividing line between the states of New York and Vermont. It took its name from a French governor, who was drowned in it; it was before called Corlaer’s lake. Reckoning its length from Fairhaven to St.John’s, a course nearly n. it is about 200 miles ; its breadth is from one to 18 miles, being very different in different places ; the mean width is about five miles, and it occupies about 500,000 acres ; its depth is sufficient for the largest vessels. There are in it above sixty islands of different sizes : the most considerable are North and South Hero and Motte island. North Hero, or Grand isle, is 24 miles long, and from two to four wide. It receives at Ticonderoga the waters of lake George from the s. s. w. which is said to be 100 feet higher than the waters of this lake. Half the rivers and streams which rise in Vermont fall into it. There are several which come to it from New York state, and some from Canada ; to which last it sends its own waters a n. course, through Sorell or Chamblee river, into the St. Lawrence. This lake is well stored with fish, particularly salmon, salmon trout, sturgeon, and pickerel, and the land on its borders, and on the banks of its rivers, is good. The rocks in several places appear to be marked and stained with the former surface of the lake, many feet higher than


it has been since its discovery in 160S. The waters generally rise from about the 20th of April to the 20th of June, from four to six feet ; the greatest variation is not more than eight feet. It is seldom entirely shut up Avith ice until the middle of January, Between the 6th and 15th of April the ice generally goes off, and it is not uncomtiAon for many square miles of it to disappear in one day.]

CHAMPLE, a large unpeopled tract of the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, in which there is a mountain abounding greatly in silver mines. Here is also a mission Avhicli Avas established by the regulars of the company for the reduction of the natives : is 12 leagues n. e. of the town of Santa Eulalia.

CHAMPOTON, a river of the province and government of Jucatan. It runs into the sea near the lake of Tenninas.

CHAMUINA, a river of the province and government of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala. It empties itself into the S. sea near the limits of this jurisdiction, and of that of Chiriqui in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CHAMULA, a settlement of the province and alcaldía mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CHANAR-PUGIO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero, and eight leagues from the same.

CHANCAILLO, a small port of the S. sea, in the province and corregimiento of Chancay, to the n. of Lima ; little frequented, from lying exposed, and being insecure. In lat. 12° 3' 5.

CHANCAY, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Peru ; bounded n. by that of Santa ; n. e. and n. by that of Caxatambo ; e. by that of Cauta; and s. by the corregimiento of Cercado. It is 27 leagues in length from n. to s. and the same in width e. w. and has on its coast some ports and creeks not remarkable for their security. It comprehends in its district two territories, one of a cold temperature toAvards the cordillera, called De los Checras; and another of a warm temperature, lying in the valleys towards the sea, called De Chancay. It is irrigated by two rivers, one on the s. side, called Pasamayo, and the other Huama, on the n. The latter has an arched bridge, which was built in the time of the viceroy, the Marquis de Montes Claros, the buttresses of which are two rocks, through which the river passes. On the e. and in the cold part of this province, are found the productions peculiar to the climate, such as papas, ocas, and some wheat and maize. Here are also cattle, ot the fleeces of which

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934




CORORAMO, a small river of tbe province and government of Guayana. It rises to the w. of the lake Icupa, runs n. and enters the Paraguay.

COROYA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru ; of the district and jurisdiction of the city of Cordoba ; situate on the shore of the river Priraero.

COROYO, a lake of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It is in the island of Topinambes, and is formed by the waters of the Maranon. '

COROZAL, or Pileta, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CORPAHUASI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cotabamba in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Huaillati.

CORPANQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Tillos.

CORPUS-CHRISTI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province and government of Paraguay ; situate on the shore of the river Parana, about 11 leagues n. e. of Candelaria. Lat. 27° T 23" s. Long. 55° 32' 29" w.

Corpus-Christi, a large, beautiful, and fertile valley of the province and government of Mariquita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.

CORQUEMAR, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carangas in Peru, and of the archbishopric of Charcas.

CORQUINA, a river of the province and government of Guayana. It runs s. and enters the Orinoco.

CORRAL, a settlement of the district of Guadalabquen, of the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river Valdivia.

Corral, Quemado, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; situate in an angle formed by a river of this name.

CORRALES, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia ; situate on the shore of the river Perico, in the sierras of Guarnoco.

CORRALITO, a setdement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero ; to the e. of the same, and on the shore of the river Guarico.

CORRIENTES, S.Juan de , a city of the province and government of Buenos Ayres in Peru ; founded in 1588, on the e. coast of the river La Plata, near the part where those of the Parana and Paraguay unite. It has, besides the parish

church, three convents, of St. Domingo, St. Francis, and La Merced, and a college which belonged to the regulars of the company of Jesuits. This city has been harassed by the infidel Abipones Indians, who have here put to death many Spaniards, and taken others prisoners ; on which account a guard of horse-militia has been established for its defence. (It is 100 leagues n. of the city of Santa Fe, and contained, in 1801, 4300 inhabitants. Lat. 27° 27' 21" s.)

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, a rivcr of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains towards the n. and enters the sea in the large plain opposite the Mulatto isles.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another river, of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, which rises from the lake Yberia, and runs s. w. to enter the river La Plata.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another, of the province and government of Paraguay. It rises in the serrania which lies between the rivers Paraguay and Parana, runs w. and enters the former between the rivers Mboeri and P'areiri.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another, of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil, which runs s.s. e. and enters the large lake of Los Patos.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, a Cape of the s. coast of the island of Cuba : CO leagues from the island of Trinidad, and 13 from the cape of San Antonio.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another cape, called also De Arenas Gordas, on the coast which lies between the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan, between the capes San Antonio and Saa Andres.

CORRIENTES, S. JUAN DE, another Cape OF point of the coast, in the province and captainship of Seara, between the river Molitatuba and the port Palmeras.

(CORTLANDT, a township in the n. part of the county of W. Chester, on the e. bank of Hudson river. New York, containing 1932 inhabitants, of whom 66 are slaves. Of its inhabitants, in 1796, 305 were electors.)

CORUPA, a river of the province and government of Darien in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises near the coast of the N. sea to the e. of the province, and enters the Tarina.

CORUPA, another river. See Curupa.

CORUPO, San Francisco de, a settlement of the head settlement of Uruapa, and alcaldia mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains S3 families of Indians, 3x2

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