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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




Chuquibamba, and the other settlements of its jurisdiction, -which comprehend nine curacies, are the following :


San Pedro de Illotnas, Andaray, Yanaquihua, Chorunga,










Cliilca and Marca, Viraco,

Pampacolca, Umachulco,

H uancarama, Orcopampa,



San J nan Crisostomo de Choco,

Ucuchacas, Machahuay,

Arirahua, Tipan.

CONDIRAS, an arm of the river Jamunda, in the country of Las Amazonas, and in the Portuguese possessions. It runs from the lake Maripava, and enters the Maranon.

CONDOCONDO, a settlement of the province and corre^imiento of Pariá in Peru.

CONDONOMA, a mine, celebrated for its abundance of silver, of the province and corregimiento of Tinta in Peru.

CONDORGUASI, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru ; belonging to the jurisdiction of Jujui, situate on the shore of the river Laquiaca.

CONDOROMA, a settlement and asiento of the silver mines of the province of Canes and Canches or Tinta in Peru, -where, during tempests of thunder and lightning, is experienced a singular phenomenon ; namely, a certain prickly sensation upon the hands and face, -which they called moscas, (flies), though none of these insects are ever seen. It is indeed attributed to the air, which is at that time highly charged with electric fluid ; the effects of which may be observed on the handles of sticks, buckles, lace, and other metal trinkets ; the same effects ceasing as soon as the tempest is over. It is observed, that in no other parts is the same phenomenon known to exist.

CONDOROMA, another settlement, of the province and government of Chucuito in the same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the lake.

CONDUITE, or CoNDUITA, a small river of the province and country of the Iroquees Indians. It runs w. forming a curve, and enters the lake Oswego.

(CONDUSKEEG, a settlement in the district of Maine, in Hancock county, containing 567 inhabitants.)

CONEUAGUANET, a small river of the pro-


vince and colony of Pennsylvania and counfy of Cumberland. It runs c. and enters the Susquehanna.

CONEGA, a small island of the s. coast of the island of Newfoundland, between the isle of Despair and port Bartran.

CONEGHTA, a small river of S. Carolina. It rises in the territory of the Tuscaroras Indians, runs s. e. and enters the Neus.

(CONEGOCHEAGUE Creek rises near Mercersburg, Franklin county, Pensylvania, runs s. in a -winding course, and after supplying a number of mills, empties into the Potowmack, at William port, in W ashington county, Maryland ; 19 miles s. e. of Hancock, and eight miles s, of the Pennsylvania line.)

CONEGOGEE, a small river of the province and colony of Maryland. It runs s. and enters the Potowmack.

CONEIUAGA, a small river of the province and colony of Pennsylvania, in the county of York, It runs e. and enters the Susquehanna.

(CONEMAUGH River, and Little Cor emaugh, are the head waters of Kiskemanitas, in Pennsylvania : after passing through Laurel hill and Chesnut ridge, Conemaugh takes that name, and empties into the Alleghany, 29 miles n. e. of Pittsburg. It is navigable for boats, and there is -a portage of 18 miles between it and the Frankstown branch of Juniata river.)

(CONENTES, Las, a city of La Plata or Paraguay in S. America, in the diocese of Buenos Ayres.)

(CONESTEO, a w. w. branch of Tioga river in New York. See Canjcodeo Creek.)

CONESTOGA, a settlement of Indians of the same province and colony as the former river ; situate between the e. and w. arms of the river Susquehanna, where the English have a fort and establishment for its defence.

Conestoga, a river of this province, whichruns w. then turns s. and enters the Susquehanna.

(CONESUS, a small lake in the Genessee country. New York, which sends its waters n. w, to Genessee river.)

CONETLA, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Comitlan in the kingdom of Guatemala.

CONFINES. See Villanueva de los Infantes.

CONFUSO. See Togones.

CONG, a small river of the province and c^piainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea between the river Goyana and the settlement of Gonzalo.

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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