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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





CONUENTOS, another settlement in thh province and corregimiento of Chillan in the kingdom of Chile.

CONUENTILLO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district of the capital ; situate to the of the same.

(CONVERSATION Point, a headland on the s. side of a bay on the coast of California. Lat. 30' Long. 119°t0.)

(CONWAY, a township in the province of New Brunswick, Sudbury county, on the w. bank of St. John’s river. It has the bayofFundyon the and at the westernmost point of the township there is a pretty good harbour, called Musquash cove.)

(Conway, a township in the ti. e. corner of Strafford county, New Hampshire, on a bend in Saco river, incorporated in J765, and contains 574 inhabitants. It was called Pigwacket by the Indians.)

(Conway, a thriving township in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, incorporated in 1767, and contains 2092 inhabitants. It lies 13 miles n. w. of Northampton, and 115 n.w. by w. of Boston.)

(CONYA, a river in Surinam, or Dutch Guinea, S. America.)

(COOK’S River, in the n. w. coast of N. America, lies n. w. of Prince William’s sound, and 1000 miles n. w. of Nootka sound. It promises to vie with the most considerable ones already known. It was traced by Captain Cook for 210 miles from the mouth, as high as lat. 61° 30' n. and so far as is discovered, opens a very considerable inland navigation by its various branches ; the inhabitants seemed to be of the same race with those of Prince William’s sound, and like them had glass beads ami knives, and were also clothed in fine furs.)

(COOKHOUSE, on the Cooquago branch of Delaware river, is situated in the township of Colchester, New York, 18 miles s. of the mouth of Unadilla river.)

(COOLOOME, an Indian town situated on the w. side of Tallapoose river, a bratich of the Mobile.)

COONI, a settlement of the province and correghniento of Cicasica in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Mecapaca.

COOPER, a river of the province and coloiij' of Georgia. It runs s. e. then s. and enters the sea.

(Cooper’s Island, one of the Lesser Virgin isles in the W. Indies, situated s.w. of Ginger island, and uninhabited. It is five miles long, and one broad.)


(Cooper, a large and navigable river which mingles its waters with Ashley river, below Charleston ^ity in S. Carolina. These form a spacious and convenient harbour, which communicates with the ocean, just below Sullivan’s island, which it leaves on the n. seven miles s. e. of the city. In these rivers the tide rises 6| feet. Cooper river is a mile wide at the ferry, nine miles above Charles, town.)

(Cooper’s Town, a post-town and township in Otsego county. New York, and is the compact part of the township of Otsego, and the chief town of the country round lake Otsego. It is pleasantly situated at the s. w. end of the lake, on its banks, and those of its outlet ; 12 miles n. w. of Cherry valley, and 73 w. of Albany. Here are a courthouse, gaol, and academy. In 1791 it contained 292 inhabitants. In 1789 it had but three houses only ; and in the spring 1795, 50 houses had been erected, ofwhich above a fourth part were respectable two-story dwelling-houses, with every proportionable improvement, on a plan regularly laid out in squares. Lat. 42° 36' n. Long. 74° 58' M.] [Cooper’s Town, Pennsylvania, is situated on the Susquehannah river. This place in 1785 was a wilderness ; nine years after it contained 1800 inhabitants, a large and handsome church, with a steeple, a market-house and a bettering house, a library of 1200 volumes, and an academy of 64 scholars. Four hundred and seventy pipes were laid under ground, for the purpose of bringing water from West mountain, and conducting it to every house in town.)

(COOP’S Town, in Harford county, Maryland, lies 12 miles n. w. of Harford, and 22 n. e. of Baltimore, measuring in a straight line.)

(COOS, or Cohos. The country called Upper and Lower Coos lies on Connecticut river, between 20 and 40 miles above Dartmouth college. Upper Coos is the country of Upper Amonoosuck river, on John and Israel rivers. Lower Coos lies below the town of Haverhill, s. of th« Lower Amonoosuck. The distance from Upper Coos, to the tide in Kennebeck river, was measured in 1793, and was found to be but 90 miles.)

(COOSADES, an Indian town on Alabama river, about 60 miles above its mouth, on Mobile river, below M‘Gillivray’s town, and opposite the mouth of the Oakfuskee.)

(COOSA Hatchee, or Coosaw, a river of S. Carolina, which rises in Orangeburg district, and running a 5. m. course, em.pties into Broad river and Whale branch, which separate Beaufort island from the mainland.)

(Coosa|COOSA, or Coosa Hatcha]]==, a river which 3 u

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