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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





Aguarico, another settlement of the same proyince, and belonging to the same missions, and bearing the dedicatory title of San Estanislao.

Aguarico, a river of the same province and f overnment, being one of those which enter the Napo by the n. side. At its mouth, or entrance, begins the large province of the Encabellados ; and here it was that the Portuguese attempted to establish themselves in 1732, invading it with a certain number of Piraguas, (small vessels), which came from Para. They were, however, through the well-timed precautions of the president of Quito, forced to retire without attaining their object. This river contains much gold in its sands, and its body is much increased by other streams, such as those of the Azuela, Cofanes, Sardinas, and Duino. It descends from the grand Cordillera of the Andes, near the town of San Miguel de Ibarra, washes the territory of the Sucurabios Indians, and enters the Napo in lat. 1° 23' s.

AGUARINGUA, an ancient and large settlement of the nation of the Taironas Indians, in the province and government of Santa Marta.

AGUARO, a river of the province and government of Honduras. It enters the S. sea to the e. of Aguan.

Aguaro, Cano de, a river of the province and government of Venezuela. It enters the Guarico, and is famous for abounding in fish, particularly a kind called pabon, which has a circular spot of sky-blue and gold upon its tail, resembling an eye, and which is much esteemed for its excellent flavour.

AGUAS, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs n. n. w. and enters the Uruguay close to the J uipa.

Aguas-blancas. See Yaguapiui.

Aguas-bellas, a small river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs c. and enters the Parana.

Aguas-calientes, an alcaldia mayor of the the kingdom of Nueva Galicia, and bishopric of Guadalaxara, in Nueva España. Its jurisdiction includes four head settlements of the district, and two large estates called the Pavellon, as also the estate Del Fuerte, in which quantities of grain and seed are cultivated. The principal settlement is the town of the same name, of a moderate temperature, its inhabitants consisting of 500 Spanish families, as also of some of Mustees and Mulattoes; and although some Mexican Indians arc to be found here, they merely come to traffic with the productions of the other jurisdictions. It contains three convents ; one of the bare- footed Franciscans, a sumptuous and well-built fabric ; one of the Mercenarios; and a third of San Juan de Dios, with a well-endowed hospital ; not to mention several other chapels and altars in the vicinity. It is 140 leagues n. n. w. of Mexico, and 35 of Guadaiaxara. Long. 101° 51' 30" w. Lat. 22° 2' n.

Aguas-calientes, another settlement in the province and government of Venezuela, of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate upon the coast.

AGUASTELAS, San Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of San Andres of Acatlan, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva España. It is but lately established, and is one league s. of its head settlement.

AGUATEPEC, Santa Maria de, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tecali in Nueva España. It contains 48 families of Indians.

AGUATLAN, the head settlement of the district of the alcadia mayor of Izucar in Nueva Espana. It was formerly a separate jurisdiction; but on account of its smallness, and the ill-favoured and craggy state of its soil, it was incorporated with another close to it. It contains 46 Indian families, and is 12 leagues e. of its capital.

AGUATUBI, a settlement of the province of Moqui in Nuevo Mexico.

AGUATULCO, a river of the province and alcaldia mayor of Tegoantepec in Nueva España. It runs e. and enters the S. sea near the Capolita.

AGUEDA, Mono de Santa, a mountain of the w. coast of the straits of Magellan, in the Sierra Nevada (snowy sierra).

Agueda, a point or cape near the above mountain.

[AGUGA Cape, on the coast of Peru, S. America, lies s. of Puira, in the 61° of s. lat. and in the 81° of w, long.]

AGUIJO, San Miguel de, a settlement of the new kingdom of Leon.

AGUILA, Villa Gutierrez de la, a town of the alcaldia mayor of Xerez in Nueva España. It was formerly very considerable, and had a numerous population of Spaniards, when it was made a fortress against the Tepehuanes and Taraumaras Indians. It is an alcaldia mayor ^ but its jurisdiction is consolidated with another, on account of its being a place of little consideration, and its population being very scanty, and living in some small wards and estates in its district. It lies at the c. entrance of the province of Nayarith, and is the boundary of the kingdom of Nueva Galicia, being nine leagues e. of Xerez.

Aguila, a very lofty mountain of the province

Last edit over 6 years ago by rodeleon
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