Pages That Mention Yunquilla
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
the Nuevo Reynb de Granada ; situate in a great valley called the Llano Grande, where is bred a large proportion of neat-cattle. Upon its side is the river of its name, which presently enters the Saldana, and is full of fish. It is of a hot tempe> rattire, abounds in maize, cacaoj tobacco, yucas^ and plantains ; and amongst the sand of the river’s side is found a great quantity of gold. It contains 700 housekeepers, and a little more than 80 Indians. It is 40 leagues to the s. w. of Santa Fe.
CUENCA, a province and corregimiento of the kingdom of Quito; bounded n. by the province of Riobamba ; s. by that of Jaen de Bracamoros ; e. by that of Guayaquil ; w. by that of Quijos and Macas ; n. e. by that of Chimbo ; and s. e. by that of Loxa. Its temperature is mild, balm and healthy. Great herds of cattle are bred here, and it consequently abounds in flesh-meats ; likewise in every species of birds, grains, pulse, garden herbs, sugar, and cotton ; the natives making of the latter very good woven articles, and in which they trade, as well as in wheat, chick-peas, bark, French beans, lentils, bams, and sweetmeats. Its mines are of gold, silver, copper, quicksilver, and sulphur; but none of them are worked; also in the llanos or plain of Talqui, are some mines of alabaster, extremely fine, though somewhat soft. Tlie principal traffic of this province are floor-carpets, cabinet articles, and tapestries, here called pawos de cor/e, (cloths of the court), beautifully worked, and which are so highly esteemed that no house in the kingdom, that has any pretensions to elegance and convenience, is seen without them. It is watered by four large rivers, called Yanuneay, Machangara, Banos, and Tumebamba ; the latter being also called Matadero, and is the largest. It abounds in bark and cochineal, the latter being gathered in great quantities, and employed in the dyeing of baizes, which are esteemed the best of any in America. Its tanned hides and prepared skins are equally in high estimation. It is, in short, more highly favoured than any other province in natural riches j and it would not have to envy any other, were it not that its inhabitants, who have been called Morlacos, were of a haughty, domineering disposition, great disturbers of peace, and more inclined to riot and diversion than to labour. The capUal is
Cuenca, Santa Ana de, a city founded by Gil Ramirez Davalos, in 1557, in the valley of Yunquilla, celebrated for its pleasantness and fertility ; this valley is six leagues and an half long, and as many wide in the middle of the serrania; from this serrama issue, to water the same valley, four large
rivers, the first called Machangara, which runs r, of the city, and very close to it; the second, which runs to the n, is called Matadero, being also nearthetown ; the third Yanuneay, at half a quarter ofa league’s distance, and the fourth Banos: of all these united is formed a very large one, which afterwards takes the name of Paute, and which has in its environs mines of gold and silver. This city is large, and one of the most beautiful of any in the kingdom. The parish church, which was erected into a cathedral, and head of the bishopric of the province, in the year 1786, is magnificent. It has four parishes, (he five following convents, viz. of the religious order of St. Francis, St. Domingo, St. Augustin, St. Peter Nolasco, and a college which belonged to the regulars of the company of Jesuits, two monasteries of nuns, one of La Concepcion, and the other of Santa Teresa, and an hospital, being one of the most sumptuous, convenient, and well attended possible; the whole of these being very superior edifices. The streets run in straight lines; the temperature is kind, mild, and healthy ; and the neighbourhood abounds in every kind of flesh, and in whatsoever productions can be required, as pu)ge, vegetables, and fruits. Some very fine large cheeses are made here, which resemble those of Parma, and are carried as dainties to Lima, Quito, and other parts. The sugary which is made in great quantities, is of the finest and most esteemed sort, as are also the conserves of various fruits, which are known by the name of caccetas de Cuenca. A few years ago, a hat manufactory was established here, when a stamp was made bearing the resemblance of an Emperor Inca, and with the motto, “ Lahore duce, comite fortuna.” This proved one of the best and most useful manufactories of any in the city. In the territory to the s. is the height of Tarqui, celebrated for being the spot where the base of the meridian was taken by the academicians of the sciences of Paris, M. Godin, Bouger, and La Condamine, assisted by Jorge Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa, who accompanied them, in 1742. yhis city is subject to tempests, which form on a sudden when the sky is clear, and which are accompanied with terrible thunder and lightning, the women apply themselves to labour, and it is by these that is carried on the great commerce which exists in baizes which they fabricate, and are held in high esteem, together with other woven articles. It is the native place of the Father Sebastian Sedeno, missionary apostolic of the extinguished company of the Jesuits in the province of Mainas- The population of Cuenca is 14,000