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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



in America, and they reckon the gold it has produced at 33 millions of dollars, without counting that which has been concealed ; but at present they scarce procure from it 200 pound weight a year, on account of the increased charges of labour, and the want of energy in the inhabitants. Many lumps of gold have been found here, among which there is still remembered to have been one of the figure of a horse, which weighed 100 weight and some odd pounds, and which was carried to the Emperor Charles V. ; and likewise another lump which was sent to Philip II. bearing a resemblance to the head of a man, which, however, was lost together with much other riches in the channel of Bahama. This latter lump was found in the washing place of Ynahuaya. Nearly the whole of the territory of this province is interspered with gold. The most celebrated washing places that it had were called San Juan del Oro, Paulo Coya, Ananea, and that which was superior to all, Aporoma. In the year 1713, a lump of silver also was discovered in the mountain of Ucuntaya, being of a very solid piece of metal, and of prodigious value ; in its rivers are found sands of gold, to which at certain times of the year, the Indians have recourse, in order to pay their tributes. There are also other mines of silver and copper in various parts, and springs of hot water. It is very liable to earthquakes, and according to the tradition of the Indians, there was one which took place before the conquest, so large as to overturn mountains, and that, opening the earth, it swallowed up in an abyss many towns with their inhabitants. They likewise assert, that in the year 1747, another earthquake, throwing out of the ground a dirty and muddy water, thereby infected the rivers to such a degree as to cause a dreadful and general mortality. It has some large rivers as well as small ; all of which empty themselves into the Ynambari, thus rendering this river extremely abundant : towards the n. and n. e. which, as we have observed, is bounded by the infidel Indians, there are large tracts of ground covered with coca and rice, with an abundance of mountain fruits. In the aforesaid river they are accustomed to take shad and large dories by shooting them with muskets, or by piercing them with arrows or darts. There are also some lakes, which, although without fish, abound in ducks, snipes, and other aquatic fowl. The infidel Indians have made various irruptions into this province: its capital is Sandia, and its natives, who amount to 28,000, are divided into 26 settlements, as follows : The repartimiento received by the corregidor used to amount to 82,800 dollars, and it paid 662 yearly for alcavala.



Sandia, Coaza,

Cuiocuio. Cruzero,

Laqueique, Ajoiani,

Yñacoreque, Usicaios,

Queneque, Esquena,

Patambuco, Cuntuquita,

S. Juan del Oro, Ynambari,

Quiaca, Ayapata,

Sina, Ytuata,

Para, Macusani,

Limbani, Ollachea,

Chejani, Azaroma,

Aporoma, Corani.

CARABAILLO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Cercado in Peru. It rises in the province of Canta from three lakes to the n. of the capital, and continues its course until it join the sea close to the point of Marques.

CARABAILLO, a settlement of this province and corregimiento.

CARABANA, a river of the province and government of Guayana, which runs to the s. and enters the Orinoco between the Corquina and the Arrewow. According to Bellin, in his map of the course of part of the Orinoco, it is distant from the other river called Corobana, which also enters the Orinoco on the opposite side.

CARABATANG, a river of the province and captainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises in the sierra of the Tiguares Indians, near the coast, runs s. s. e. and enters the sea between the Cong and the Goyana.

CARABELAS, River of the, in the province and captainship of Puerto Seguro in Brazil. It rises in the cold sierra of the Pories Indians, runs s. e. and according to Cruz, e. and enters the sea opposite the bank of the Escollos (hidden rocks).

Carabelas, Grandes, a port of the island of Cuba, on the n. part.

Carabelas, Chicas, a bay in the same island, and on the same coast, between the settlement of Guanajo and the Puerto del Poniente (w. port.)

CARABERES. See article Guarayos.

CARABUCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Omasuyos in Peru ; in the vicinity of which are the ruins of a chapel, which was dedicated to St. Bartholomew ; and the Indians have a tradition that the above-mentioned saint appeared here and preached the gospel to them : thus, in the principal altar of the church, they reverence a large cross of very strong wood, and which is celebrated for having wrought many miracles ; splinters of it being anxiously sought after by the faithful, wherefrom to form small crosses ;

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934

[1803 amounted to 5,500,000, and the exports consisted of produce to the value of 4,000,000 dollars. He also states the population in 1808 at 900,000 souls. The receipts of Caracas, Guatemala, and Chile, are consumed within the country. The population of some of the chief cities is thus stated ; Caracas 40,000, La Guaira 6000, Puerto Cabello 7600, Coro 10,000. The harbour, or La Vela de Coro, as it is commonly called, and its environs, are supposed to contain not less than 2000. In 1797 three state prisoners were sent from Spain to Caracas, on account of their revolutionary propensities. Being treated with great indulgence by the officers and soldiers to whose care they were committed, they formed the project of a conspiracy against the government. They engaged a number of persons, some of them of consequence, in their party. After gaining their first converts, the spirit did not spread. The coldness and apathy of the people did not admit of the effervescene they desired. After the plot had been kept a secret for many months it was disclosed to the government. Some of the ringleaders escaped, and others were taken. It was found that seventy-two had entered into the conspiracy; six were executed. The rest either escaped, or were sent to the galleys or banished from the country. For an account of the recent revolution in Caracas, see Venezuela.]

Caracas, some islands of the N. sea near the coast of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Cumana. They are six in number, all small and desert, serving as places of shelter to the Dutch traders, who carry on an illicit commerce on that coast.

Caracas, a small port of the coast of Tierra Firme, in the province and government of Vene;zuela, between the capital and cape Codera.

CARACHE, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo, situate n. of the city of Truxillo, on the shore of a small river which enters the Matazan.

CARACHIS, San Carlos de a settlement of the province and country of the Amazonas ; a reduccion of the missions which belonged to the abolished order of the Jesuits. It is at the mouth of the river Huerari, where this enters the Maranon.

CARACOA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacoche in Peru, where there is a spring of warm medicinal water.

CARACOL, Port, on the coast of the S. sea, and of the province and government of Panamá ; it is near the point of Garachine, behind mount Zapo.

CARACOLI, a port of the coast of the kingdom of Tierra Firme, and of the province and government of Venezuela, to the w., of cape Codera.

Caracoli, a bay formed by the s. coast, in the province and government of Darien, of the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; it lies at the back of point Garachine.

Caracoli, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena, situate on the shore of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena, and on the n, of the town of Maria.

CARACOLLO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Oruro in Peru, eight leagues distant from its capital.

=CARACOTO== a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lampa in Peru.

Caracoto, another, in the province and corregimienlo of Sicasica in the same kingdom.

==CARAGAIAS, a town of the island of Cuba, situate on the n. coast between Cadiz and Nizao,

CARAGUATAI, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; it runs s. s. w. and enters the Ayum or Yumeri.

CARAGUET, a small river of Nova Scotia or Acadia ; it runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of St. Lawrence, opposite the island of its name.

CARAHUACRA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru; annexed to the curacy ofYauli.

CARAIBAMBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chalvanca.

CARAIMA Alta, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the coast between point Caraimilia and point Pena Blanca.

CARAIMILLA, a settlement on the coast of the province and corregimiento aforementioned, between point Caraima Alta, and the isle of Obispo.

CARAMA, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Granada.

CARAMANTA, a city of the province and government of Antioquia in the new kingdom of Gratiada ; founded by Sebastian de Benalcazar in 1543, near the river Cauca. Its temperature is hot and unhealthy, but it is fertile in maize, vegetables, grain, and abounds with herds of swine : near it are many small rivers which enter the Cauca, and some salt pits of the whitest salt. On the mountains within its jurisdiction, are some settlements of barbarian Indians very little known. This city is indifferently peopled, and is 65 leagues distant to the n. e. of Popayan, and 50 from Antioquia. Long. 75° 33' w. Lat. 5° 58' «.

CARAMATIBA, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rio Grande in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river Carabatang.

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rection to be drowned in the lake Yaguarcocha, which from thence takes its name, and signifies the lake of blood, with which it was quite polluted ; tlie Indians stating, .according to their traditions, that no less than 20,000 people were thus sacrificed. Part of this province is at present comprehended in that of Ibarra, and part in that of Otavalo.

CARAP, a small river of the province and government of Guayana. It rises between the Acamon and the Agualey, and taking its course between these two, enters the Caroni on the e. side.

CARAPAICURA, a small river of the province and government of Cumana. It rises in the serranla of I mataca, runs and enters the Cuyuni on the n. side.

CARAPANATUBA, a river of the province of Guayana, in the part belonging to the Portuguese. It runs s. s. e. and enters the mouth of the Maranon before you come to the town and fort of Macapa.

CARAPATO, a river of the province and corregimiento of Sicasica. It is but small, rises to there), of the settlement of Caracoto, runs n. and enters the Cliuquiavo.

(CARAPEGUAY, a parish of the province and government of Paraguay, situate near a small river, 11 leagues 5. e. of Asuncion. Lat. 25° 45' 31" s. Long. 57° 16' 56" w.)

CARAPO, asettlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana, one of those belonging to the missions of the Catalatxian Capuchin fathers.

CARAPO, a river of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos in the new kingdom of Granada ; it rises in the country of the Chiricoas Indians, runs n. and enters the Meta.

CARAPU, a small river of the province and government of Guayana ; it rises near the lake Jeupa, runs from s. to n. and enters the Paragua.

CARAPUCHO, Morro de, a mountain on the coast of Peru, in the province and corregimiento of Carangas.

CARAQUES, Bay of, on the S. sea-coast, and in the province and government of Guayaquil. It is close to cape Pasao, and near the equinoctial line. There was a settlement here, bearing the same name, the ruins of which are still visible.

CARAQUET, a small island of the gulf of St. Lawrence, on tlie coast of Nova Scotia or Arcadia, by the Orphan’s bank.

CARARA, a small river of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil; it runs n. and enters the sea between the settlement of Senamboca and the island of San Juan.

CARARE, a large river of the new kingdom of Granada. It rises in the valley of Alferez, to the n. of the city of Tunja, runs from s. ton. and joining the Zarbe, enters the large river of Magdalena. On the e. side, near the narrow pass which forms its shores, the French have constructed a fort to guard against invasion from the infidel Indians.

CARARI, a strait of the large river Magdalena, formed by great rocks. There was formerly here a fort, which has been moved to a place at some little distance. The course of the waters in the above strait is so rapid as to render it sometimes impossible for vessels and canoes to pass through it.

==CARAS=, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Andajes.

CARASA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cochabamba in Peru.

CARASANI, asettlement of the province and corregmiento of Larecaja in Peru, annexed to the curacy of Combaya.

CARATE, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast.

CARATES, a river of the province and government of Maracaibo. It rises in the mountains of Lonia, runs s. w. and after many windings, enters the great lake of Maracaibo.

CARAVELAS, Mouth of the, the entrance of a bay on the n. coast of the island of Cuba.

CARAUELE, Point of the, an extremity of the coast looking to the e. in the island of Martinique, one of those two which run into the sea in the above direction.

Carauele, a small island of the N. sea, situate near the n. e. coast of the island of Martinique, on the n. side of Carauele point.

CARAUELI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cumana in Peru.

CARAUELLES, a river of the province and captainship of Puerto Seguro in Brazil. It rises at the foot of the « Fria, and describing a small circle, runs s. e. and according to Cruz, e. and enters the sea opposite the island of Pajaros.

CARAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huailas in Peru.

CARBET, a settlement of the island of Martinique, one of the Antilles ; situate on the n. s». coast, Avith a good port. It Avas a curacy of the regular order of Jesuits, now abolished.

Carbet, two very high mountains of the above island. They are full of sharp points similar to those on Montserrat in Cateluila. They are near the coast, lying towards the n. w. part ; and the French call them Pitons de Carbet.

Carbet, a point on the e. coast of the island

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Rio Negro, on a great island formed by this river and that of Pasimoni.

Carlos, San, a bay of the w. coast of Florida, 45 leagues from the soundings of Tortuguilla. Lat. 27° 10'. Long. 284° 30'.

Carlos, San, a small island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes, in the interior of the same, and very close upon the coast.

Carlos, San, a river of the island of Guadalupe, which runs nearly due n. e. and enters the sea in the bay of the Great Cul de Sac.

Carlos, San, a settlement (with the surname of Real) of the province and government of Buenos Ayres ; situate on the shore of the river La Plata, near the colony of Sacramento, which belonged to the Portuguese. In its vicinty, on the n. n. e. part, there is a lake of very good sweet water.

Carlos, San, an island of the straits of Magellan, between the mountain of the Pan de Azucar and cape Galand of the n. coast.

Carlos, San, a valley in the province and government of Tucumán, which is very fertile in vines, wheat, maize, carob-trees, tar, and in birds and animals of the chase. Its natives are those who most of all infested the Spaniards when they conquered this province.

Carlos, San, a settlement and fort of the island of St. Christopher, one of the Antilles.

Carlos, San, another, of the island of Cuba; situate on the n. coast, on the point of land called the Pan de Mantanzas.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and government of Maracaibo ; situate in the island Paxara, on the shore of the Gran Laguna, or Great lake.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and country of Las Amazonas ; a reduccion of the missions which were held there by the regulars of the society of Jesuits. It lies between the rivers Araucaso and Shiquita, in the territory of the Cahumaris Indians.

Carlos, San, another, of the province and government of Guatemala ; situate on the shore of the river of S. Juan, or Del Desaguadero.

Carlos, San, some sierras or mountains, called De Don Carlos, in the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil. They run parallel to the sierra of Los Difuntos, in the extremity of the coast formed by the mouth of the river La Plata.

CARLOSAMA, a large settlement of Indians of the province and corregimiento of Pastes in the kingdom of Quito, on the 5. shore of the river of its name. Its territory is most fertile, but the climate is very cold, and the streets almost always

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Impassable. It is to the zo. n. zo. of the settlement of Ipialos, and e. n. e. of that of Cumbal.

CARLTON, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district and parish of St. Thomas.

CARLUTAS, a river of the province and captainship of Rio Grande in Brazil. It rises near the coast, runs s. s. e. and enters the sea between the Genibabu and the Rio Grande.

CARMA, a settlement of the province and corregimienlo of Porco in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Porco.

(CARMEL, a township in Dutchess county, New York. By the state census of 1796, 237 of its inhabitants were electors.)

(CARMELO, a river on the coast of New Albion, s. e. of Francisco bay. A little n. from it is Sir Francis Drake’s harbour, where that navigator lay five weeks.)

Carmelo, Sierras del, a cordillera of very lofty mountains of the province of California ; they run to the sea-shore from the sierra of the Enfado, as far as the cape of San Lucas.

CARMEN, a river of the province and colony of Surinam, in the part of Guayana possessed by the Dutch. It rises in the sierra of Rinocote, runs from w. to e. and gathering the waters of many others, enters in a large body into the Mazarroni.

Carmen, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena ; situate in the district of the mountains of Marca, between those of San Jacinto and San Francisco de Asis. It is one of those new settlements that were founded by the Govemor Don Juan Pimienta in 1776.

Carmen, another settlement, with the addition of Frayeles de el, which is the village of the province and captainship of Todos Santos in Brazil ; situate between the rivers Rans and Tucumbira.

Carmen, another, in the same kingdom ; situate near a stream and on the shore of the river Tocantines, on the e. side, and not far from the Arrayal of San Feliz.

Carmen, a large island of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes, near the coast, between the islands of San Ildefonso and Agua Verde.

Carmen, a town of the province and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Brazil ; situate on the shore and at the head of a river which gives it this name.

CARMOT, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarca la Grande in Peru ; situate on the shore of the river Chicama.

CARNELAND, Islas de, islands near the coast of the province and government of Honduras,

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Presurapscot river. It has a good harbour at its mouth for small vessels, and has several mills upon it ; two miles higher a fall obstructs the navigation. Between it and Kennebeck there are no rivers ; some creeks and harbours of Casco bay throw themselves into the main land, affording harbours for small vessels, and intersecting the country in various forms.)

CASCONA, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquía ; situate at the mouth of the river Nare, at its entrance into the Magdalena.

CASCUEMBEC, a small island of Nova Scotia, close to the w. point of the island of San Juan.

CASIBANI, a river of the province and country of the Amazonas : it rises in the cordillera of the Mochovos and Pichambios Indians, runs in a serpentine course to the n. then inclining for many leagues to the s. e. enters the Maranon or Amazonas, near the settlement of N uestra Seilora de Guadalupe.

CASIDI, a river of the province and government of Guayana : it enters the Orinoco, according to Beilin, but which is afterwards contradicted by his own map, since it is^there represented as having its source to the e. of the city of Pamplona, and as running into the river Apure.

CASIGUA, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo ; situate on the coast, and near the entrance or mouth of the great lake.

CASILDA, Ensenada de, a bay on the s. coast of the island of Cuba.

CASIMBUCO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chayanta or Charcas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pocoata.

CASIMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of the city of Santiago de los Atalayas, in the government of San Juan de los Llanos, of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada : it is of a very hot temperature, and abounds in fruits of a similar climate. Its natives, who are numerous and consist of the Neolitos Indians, are very industrious, docile, and of good dispositions, having been reduced to the faith by the missionaries of the extinguished society of Jesuits. The settlement is at present in the charge of the barefooted order of St. Francis, and lies three leagues from the settlement of Surimena, on the shore of the large river Meta.

CASIPA, a large lake of the province of Nueva Andalucía Austral or South, to the w. ofthe Vacaronis Indians : it is 30 leagues in length from n. to s. and 24 in width from e. to w. Four large rivers flow from it, the principal of which areArous or Aroi and Caroa, the which enter the Orinoco on its e. side. Its woods are inhabited by some barbarous

nations of Caribes Indians, such as are the Canuris to the n. the Bsparagois to the e. the Aravis to the s. and the Chaguas and Lasipagotes to thezw. In this lake tortoises and alligators abound ; its waters are hurtful, and the climate here is unhealthy; hurricanes are frequent here, from the winds which blow from the neighbouring mountains.

CASIPOURE, a river of the province of Guayana, in the French possessions ; it runs from m. to e. and enters the sea, its mouth being half a league wide, near cape Orange, in 5° 27'.

Casipoure, a cape or point of the coast opposite the side of cape Orange.

CASIQUIN, a river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito, which runs many leagues, and enters the Maranon.

CASIRI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Parinacocha in Peru ; annexed to the .curacy of its capital : in its vicinity is an elevated mountain, in which great Indian wealth is said to be secreted.

CASIRIAQUI, Cano de, a large and copious arm of the river Negro, by which this communicates with the Orinoco, and through that with the Maranon or Las Amazonas ; which communication, however, has been frequently doubted and controverted since the short time of its having been discovered.

CASIROUGE, a small island of the e. coast of Newfoundland, betweea Bellisle and the port Gobos.

CASIRRUENTI, a large and copious river abounding in fine fish, of the province and government of San Juan de los Llanos : it passes through the llanuras of Cazanare and Meta, and, near the settlement of San Joaquin de Atanari, enters the Meta.

CASIUINDO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the city of Xuxuy ; annexed to the curacy of Cochinoca ; it has two hermitages, which serve as chapels of ease, with the dedicatory title of Rinconada and Rio de San Juan. The natives fabricate powder of excellent quality, and in its district are gold mines, which are not worked.

CASMA, Alta, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Santa in Peru ; situate on the coast of the S. sea, with a moderately good port. It was sacked in 1586 by Edward David, an English pirate.

Casma, Alta, another settlement of this province, called, for distinction’s sake, Casma Baxa.

CASMAL, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Olleros.

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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