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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



raent and head settlenient of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Tepozcolula in the same kingdom. It is of a mild temperature, and contains a convent of the religious order of St. Domingo, and 128 families of Indians, who occupy themselves in the trade of cochineal, as likewise of certain seeds which they sow in ihe ranchos. Four leagues to the n. by s. of its capital.

Chilapa, San Pedro de, another, of the head settlement of the district of Huitepec, and alcaldia mayor of Ixquintepec, in the same kingdom. It contains 30 families of Indians, and is five leagues to the n. with a slight inclination to the e. of its capital.

CHILAQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Olintla, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva España. It is situate in a delightful glen surrounded by rocks, and is watered by various streams, being distant five leagues from its head settlement.

CHILATECA, S. JUAN DE, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Cuilapa, and alcaldia mayor of Quatro Villas, in Nueva Espana. It contains 52 families of Indians, who trade in cochineal, seeds, and fruits, and collect coal and timber, all of which form branches of their commerce. Five leagues to the s.e. of its head settlement.

CHILCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canete in Peru, with a small but safe and convenient port. It abounds in saltpetre, which its natives carry to Lima for the purpose of making gunpowder, on which account they are for the most part muleteers or carriers. In its vicinity are the remains of some magnificent buildings which belonged to the Incas of Peru. The name of Chilca is given by the Indians of the same kingdom, as also by those of the kingdom of Quito, to a small tree or shrub which is a native of hot climates, and which, when burnt to ashes, is often used as lye for the use of the sugar engines.

Chi DC A, a beautiful and extensive valley of this province, which, although it be not irrigated by any river, stream, or fountain, by which it might be fertilized, produces an abundant harvest of maize. The seed of this is accustomed to be buried in the ground with heads of pilchards, an abundance of which fish is found upon the coast; and thus, by the moisture arising from this practice, and by the morning dews, the soil becomes suflaciently moistened to produce a very fair crop. The same method is observed, and the same effect produced, with regard to other fruits and herbs ; but for drinking and culinary uses, the little

water that is procured is drawn from wells. Lat. 12° 3P 5. Long. 76° 35' w.

CHILCAIMARCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Condesuyos de Arequipa in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Andahua.

CHILCAIO, a settlement of the province and government of Lucimas in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Querobamba.

CHILCAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Hacas.

Chilcas, another settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huanta in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Tambos.

CHILCHAIOTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan in Nueva España; situate on the side of a hill. It is of a hot temperature, contains 26 families of Indians, and is 11 leagues to the n. of its capital.

CHILCHOIAQUE, a settlement of the head settlement of TIacolula, and alcaldia mayor of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a very extensive glen, surrounded by heights which begin in the neighbourhood of Xilotepec, and run somewhat more than a league in length. The population is very scanty, and the temperature bad ; indeed, out of the many families which formerly inhabited it, 19 only are remaining ; these employ themselves in the rancherias^ agriculture being indispensably necessary to their maintenance, owing to the barrenness of the territory of the district. At the distance of a league to the n. of Xalapa, and on the side of the royal road leading to ^^exico, is the great mill of Lucas Martin. Here the lands are fertilized by the large river Cerdeilo ; by the waters of which also other settlements arc supplied, as likewise some of ihe ranchos^ wherein employment is found for upwards of SO families of Spaniards, some Mustees^ and many Indians. Four leagues to the s. w. of its head settlement.

GHILCHOTA, the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of Mechoaedn. It is very mean, and reduced to a few small settlements, which lie so nigh together, that their situations are pointed out to tlie traveller by crosses stuck up in the roads. Its population consists of 470 families of Tarascos Indians, and about 300 of Spaniards, Mulattoes, and Mustees\ who are, for the most part, scattered in the agricultural estates of its district, where, from the fertility of the soil, wheat, maize, and other seeds, are cultivated in abundance. The country is agreeable, and well stocked with every kind of fruit trees. The capi

Last edit over 6 years ago by jgo384


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the river Marailon has its rise in tins lake ; its real origin being in the lake Lauricociia, as may be seen under that article.

CHINCHERO, a settlement of the province and correghniado of Calca y Lares in Perú. The cemetery of its church is composed of some large, thick Avails of Avrouglit stone, well fitted together, and having in them certain niches similar to sentry boxes ; so that they appear as having formerly belonged to some fortress.

Same name, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Andahuailas in the same kingdom.

Same name, a lake in the province of Cuzco, five leagues distant from this city.

CHINCHILCA, as others will have it, a river of the district of Guadalabquien and kingdom of Chile ; it runs n. n. w. and enters the river Callacalla.

CHINCHIPE, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito.

Same name, a river of this province, which rises from the mountain desert or paramo of La Sabanilla. It Avashes the city and territory of Valladolid, and on its c. side receives the rivers Nnmballa, Vergel, Patacones, Sangalla, San Francisco, and Nambacasa ; and on its zs. side those of Palanda, Simanchi, Namballe, and Guancabamba ; when, being sAA'^elled to a considerable size by all of these, it enters the Maranon on the n. shore, to the w. w. of the settlement of Tompenda.

CHINCHIRU, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Cuzco in Peru, from whence it lies two leagues to the n.

CHINCHULAGUA, a very lofty desert mountain or paramo, covered with eternal snow, in the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito. It lies five leagues to the n. of Tacunga, Avith a slight inclination to the n. c.

CHINCONTLA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olintla, and alcaldia mayor of Zacatlan, in Nueva Espana ; situate in a delightful defile or narroAV tract, watered by various rivers. Eight leagues from its head settlement.

CHINCOTEAG, a small island near the coast of the N. sea, in the province and colony of Maryland, between the Cedar isle and the river Siwanscut.

CHINGA, a fortress of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of the six Avhich were held by the %ipas or kings of Bogota, against the Punches nation, who border upon their country ; 10 leagues to the s. w. of Bogota.

CHINGOS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Gongor.

CHINI, a small island of the S. sea; situate close to the coast of the province and government of Costarica in the kingdom of Guatemala, within the gulf ofNicoya, and in the innermost part of it.

CHINIJO, a settlement of the missions which Avere held by the religious order of St. Augustin, in the country of the Gran Paititi, of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CHINIPAS, a settlement of the missions of the province and government of Cinaloa.

Same name, some sierras of this province.

CHINGUINTILEA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Aneo.

CHINU, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena in the kingdom ofTierra Firme ; founded in the sahanas, and formed by a re-union of other settlements, in 1776, by the G'oA^ernor Uon Juan Piraiento.

CHIPACO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamalies in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Chavin de Pariarca.

CHIPALO, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; one of those Avhich enter the great river Magdalena.

CHIPALZINGO, a settlement and head ettlement of the district of the alcaldía mayor of Tixtlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 353 families of Indians, and of Spaniards, Mustces, and Mnlattoes, and lies three leagues from the sett lemcn!, of Zurnpango.

CHIPAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru.

CHIPANGA, a river of the province and government of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom oi Quito. It rises in the sierra, Avhich divides the district of Macas from the province of Mainas, runs from n. to s. and enters the Morona.

CHIPAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Ubaque in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a mild temperature, and abounds in fruits and seeds peculiar to a warm climate. It consists of 150 housekeepers, and of as many Indians. It is so infested with snakes, that it is impossible to find any part of it clear of them. Eight leagues .9. . of Santa Fe, in the road which leads to San Juan de los Llanos.

CHIPASAQUE, a settlement of the corregimiento of Guatavita in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of an hot temperature, lying 24 leagues to the s. e. of Santa Fe, and close to the settlement of Chaqueta, in the road Avhich leads to San Juan dc

Last edit over 6 years ago by LLILAS Benson
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