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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




miles and a half e. ofirondequat or Rundagut bay, and SO e. from Niagara falls. The setlleincnts on Chenessee river from its month upwards, are Hartford, Ontario, Wadsworth, and Williamsburgh. The last mentioned place, it is probable, wili soon be the seat of extensive comineice. There will not be a carrying place between New York city and Williamsburgh Avhen tiie w. canals and locks shall be completed. The carrying places at present areas follows, viz. Albany to Schenectady, 16 miles ; from the head of tiie Mohawk to Wood creek, one ; Oswego lalls, two ; Chenessee falls, two ; so that there are but 2 1 miles land carriage necessary, in order to convey commodities from a tract of country capable of maintaining several millions of people. The famous Chenessee flats lie on the borders of this river. They arc about 20 miles long, and about four wide; the soil is remarkably rich, quite clear of trees, producing grass near 10 feet high. Tliese flats are estimated to be worth 200,000/. as they now lie. They arc mostly the property of the Indians.)

CHENGUE, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the sea-coast. It was sacked by William Gauson in 1655, who also destroyed and plundered circumjacent estates.

(CHEPAWAS, or Chipeways, an Indian nation inhabiting the coast of lake Superior and the islands in the lake. They could, according to Mr. Hutchins, furnish 1000 warriors 20 years ago. Otlier tribes of this nation inhabit the country round Saguinam or Sagana bay, and lake Huron, bay Puan, and a part of lake Michigan. They were lately hostile to the United States, but, by the treaty of Greenville, August 3. 1795, they yielded to them the island De Bois Blanc. See Six Nations.)

(CHEPAWYAN Fort is situated on a peninsula at the s. w. end of Athapescow lake, lat. 58° 40' n. long. 110° 25' Ji>. in the territory of the Hudson bay company.)

CHEPEN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Saña in Peru.

CHEPETLAN, a settlement of the head settlement, and alcaldía mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva España. It contains 203 families of Indians, who live by tiie making and selling of chocolate cups. Two leagues to the n. n. 70. of Tenango.

(CHEPEWAS, of Leach Lake, Indians of N. America, claiming the country on both sides of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Crow-wing river to its source, and extending w. of the Missis-

sippi to the lands claimed by the Sioux, with whom they still cop.tend for dominion. They claim also, c. of the Mississippi, the country extending as far as lake Superior, including the waters of the St. lamis. Tliis country is thickly covered with timber generally, lies level, and generally fertile, though a considerable proportion of it is intersected and broken up by small lakes, morasses, and small swamps, particularly about the heads of the Mississipi and river St. Louis. They do not cultivate, but live principally on the wild rice, which they procure in great abundance on the borders of Leach lake and the banks of the Mississipi. Their number has been considerably reduced by W'ars and tlie small-pox. Their trade is at its greatest extent.)

(Chepewas, of Red Lake, Indians of N. America, who claim the country about Red Lake and Red Lake river, as far as the Red river of lake Winnipie, beyond which last river they contend with the Sioux for territory. This is a low level country, and generally thickly covered with timber, interrupted with many swamps and morasses. This, as well as the other bands of Chepewas, are esteemed the best hunters in the ti. to. country ; but from the long residence of this band in the country they now inhabit, game is become scarce ; therefore their trade is supposed to be at its greatest extent. The Chepewas are a well-disposed people, but excessively fond of spirituous liquors.)

(Chepewas, of River Pembena, Indians of N. America, who formerly resided on the e. side of the Mississippi, at Sand lake, but were induced by the N. W. company to remove, a few years since, to the river Pembena. They do not claim the lands on which they hunt. Tiie country is level, and the soil good. The w. side of the river is pi incipally prumVs, or open plains ; on the e. side there is a greater proportion of timber. Their trade at present is a very valuable one, and will probably increase for some years. They do not cultivate, but live by hunting. They are welldisposed towards the whites.)

CHEPICA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the coast, between the port of Huasco and the point of Pajaros.

CHEPILLO, a small island of the S. sea, in the gulf of Panamá, and at the mouth or entrance ofthe river Bayano, is somewhat more than two leagues distant Irom the continent; three miles in circumference, and enjoys a pleasant climate, although subject to intense heat. It was formerly inhabited by the Indians, of whom there

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