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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]



an hermitage dedicated to St. Denis the Areopagite. It lies to the s. of the city of Barquisimeto, Between that of Tucuyo and the lake of Maracaibo. (Carora is 30 leagues to the s. of Coro. Its situation owes nothing to nature but a salubrious air. Its soil, dry and covered with thorny plants, gives no other productions but such as owe almost entirely their existence to the principle of heat. They remark there a sort of cochineal silvestre as fine as the misleca, which they suffer to perish. The land is covered with prolific animals, such as oxen, mules, horses, sheep, goats, &c. ; and the activity evinced by the inhabitants to make these advantageous to them, supports the opinion that there are but few cities in the Spanish West Indies where there is so much industry as at Carora. The principal inhabitants live by the produce of their flocks, whilst the rest gain their livelihood by tanning and selling the hides and skins. Although their tanning be bad, the consumer cannot reproach the manufacturer, for it is impossible to conceive how they can sell the article, whatever may be its quality, at the moderate price it fetches. The skins and leather prepared at Carora are used in a great degree by the inhabitants themselves for boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, and strops. The surplus of the consumption of the place is used throughout the province, or is sent to Maracaibo, Cartagena, and Cuba. They also manufacture at Carora, from a sort of aloe disthica, very excellent hammocs, which form another article of their trade. These employments occupy and support a population of 6200 souls, who, with a sterile soil, have been able to acquire that ease and competency which it appears to have been the intention of nature to deny them. The city is well built ; the streets are wide, running in straight parallel lines. The police and the administration of justice are in the hands of a lieutenant of the governor and a cabildo. There is no military authority. Carora lies in lat. 9° 50' n. and is 15 leagues e. of the lake of Maracaibo, 12 n. of Tocuyo, IS n. w. of Barquisimeto, and 90 w. of Caracas.)

Carora, a great llanura of the same province, which extends 16 leagues from e. to w, and six from n. to s. It was discovered by George Spira in 1534, abounds greatly in every kind of grain and fruit, but is of a very hot temperature. Its population is not larger than that of the former city, to which it gives its name.

CARORI, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela ; situate on the shore of the Chirimichale, in the point of Hicacos.

(CAROUGE Point, the northernmost extremity

of the island of St. Domingo in the W. Indies ; 25 miles n. from the town of St. Jago.)

CARPE, Island of the, in lake Superior of New France, between the n. coast and Cape Breton.

CARPINTO, Punta De, a point on the coast of the province and government of the Rio del Hacha.

CARQUIN, a port of the coast of Peru and S. sea, in the province and corres^imiento of Chancay.

(CARR, a small plantation in Lincoln county, district of Maine.)

(CARRANTASCA Lagoon, or Cartago, is a large gulf on the s. side of the bay of Honduras, about 70 miles n. w. of cape Gracios a Dios, and nearly as far s. e. from Brewer’s lagoon.)

CARRASCAL, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuio in the kingdom of Chile; situate s. of the city of Mendoza, and on the shore of the river of this name.

CARRETAS, Puerto de las, a port in the sierra of its name, in Nueva España,

CARRETO, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena ; situate on the shore of the cano or dike near the sea-coast.

Carreto, a river of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Firme ; it rises in the mountains of the n, coast, and enters the sea behind the bay of Calidonia.

CARRION DE Velazco, a small but beautiful and well peopled city of the kingdom of Peru, in the pleasant llanura of Guaura ; it is of a mild, pleasant, and healthy climate, of a fertile and delightful soil, and inhabited by a no small number of distinguished and rich families.

CARRIZAL, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela; situate on the coast and point of Coro, to the n. of this city.

Carrizal, sierra or chain of mountains of the same province and government, which runs from e. to w. from the shore of the river Guarico to the shore of the Guaya.

Carrizal, another settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate near a river, between the settlements of Bategui and San Marcelo.

Carrizal, another, of the province and corregimiento of Rancagua in the kingdom of Chile, to the s. of the city of Mendoza, and on the shore of the river of this name.

Carrizal, another, of the province and government of the Rio del Hacha, situate on the coast of the country of the Guajiros Indians, be-

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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