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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]




emolument which used to be derived to the English froPA the skins of the castor, is at present greatly abridged from the circumstance of the Indians invariably destroying this animal; but the loss is in a great measure made up from the great gain acquired in the sale of turpentine, fish, and pitch. Here they cultivate quantities of indigo of three sorts, much maize, and in the low lands excellent rice. All this province is a plain 80 miles in length, carrying on a great commerce in the above productions, and formerly that of rice was very considerable; it being computed to have yielded that article to the value of 150,000/. sterling per annum. In its woods are many exquisite kinds of timber, and the country abounds with rabbits, hares, dantas, deer, pheasants, partridges, cranes, pigeons, and other birds, and with numbers of ravenous and fierce wolves, against the attacks of which it is difficult to preserve the cattle. The European animals have also multiplied here astonishingly, so that it is not unusual for persons, who at first had not more than three or four cows, now to possess as many thousands. These two provinces forming Carolina have 10 navigable rivers, with an infinite number of smaller note, all abounding in fish ; but they hare few good ports, and the best of these is Cape Fear. N. Carolina is not so rich as is S. Carolina, and Denton was formerly the capital of the former, but it is at present reduced to a miserable village ; the capital of both is Charlestown, which since the last w^r is independent of the jEnglish, together with all the country, which now forms one of the 13 provinces composing the United States of America. [See North Carolina and South Carolina.]

(CAROLINE County, in Virginia, is on the s. side of Rappahannock river, which separates it from King George’s county. It is about 40 miles square, and contains 17,489 inhabitants, including 10,292 slaves.)

(Caroline County, on the e. shore in Maryland, borders on Delaware state to the e. and contains 9506 inhabitants, including 2057 slaves. Its chief town Danton.)

CARONI, a settlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana ; one of those of the missions held in that province by the Catalanian Capuchin fathers.

Caroni, another, in the government of Maracaibo, and jurisdiction of Varinas. It is very poor and of a hot temperature, but abounding in fruits of maize, yucas, plaintains, and sugar-canes.

Caroni, another, in the government of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; situate on a lofty spot, and one of the most pleasant and delightful of any in the

whole province. It abounds in gold mines, and is fertile in all the fruits peculiar to the climate, but it is much reduced.

Caroni, a large and abundant river of the province of Guayana. It rises in the mountains inhabited by the Mediterranean Caribes Indians, runs many leagues, laving the territory of the Capuchin missionaries of Guayana. Its shores are very delightful, from the variety of trees and birds found upon them. It enters the Orinoco on the s. side, eight leagues from the garrison of Guayana, and 72 leagues before this river enters the sea, being divided into two arms, which form a small island. It is very abundant and wide, but it is not navigable, on account of the rapidity of its current, and from its being filled with little islands and shoals, as likewise on account of a great waterfall or cataract, which causes a prodigious noise, and is close to the mission and settlement of Aguacagua. Its waters are very clear, although at first sight they appear dark and muddy, which effect is produced from the bed of the river being of a sand of this colour. Its source, though not accurately known, is affirmed by the Caribes Indians to be in the snowy sierra to the n. of the lake of Parime, that also being the source by which this lake is supplied. At its entrance into the Orinoco, it gushes with &uch impetuosity as to repel the waters of this river the distance of a gun’s shot, [or, as 'Depons observes, half a league. Its course is directly from s. to n. and its source is more than 100 leagues from its mouth.]

CAROPI, a river of the island and government of Trinidad. It runs from e. to w. and enters the sea in the gulf Triste.

==CARORA, S. Juan Bautista del Portillo DE==, a city of the province and government of Venezuela, founded by Captain John Salamanca in 1572, and not in 1566, as is asserted by Father Coleti, in the Siege of Baraquiga. It is situate in the savanas or Uanuras ; is of a hot temperature, but very healthy, although deficient in water, since the river Morere, which passes in its vicinity, affords but a trifling stream in tlie summer, and is at times entirely dry. In its district are bred all kinds of cattle, but particularly thegoat, as the quantities of thorns and thistles found in this country render it peculiarly adapted for the nourishment of this animal. It abounds in very fine grains, also in aromatic balsams and gums, noted for the cure of w'ounds. At present it is reduced to a miserable population, unworthy of the name of a city, consisting of Mustees, Mulattoes, and some Indians.; but it still preserves a very good parish church, a convent of monks of St. hhancisco, and

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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