Pages That Mention Panamá
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
Tvliich rises in the mountains of the cordillera. On its shores is caught a much esteemed sort of shell-fish, called iascas. It runs into the sea in lat. 31° 40'.
Same name, a volcano of the same kingdom (Chile), celebrated for the irruptions it has made. It is 23 leagues from the coast, and to the n. of the city of San Juan de la Frontera, in lat. 31° 30' s.
CHUAZINGO, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 124 families of Indians, and is two leagues to the n. n. w. of that of Tlapa.
CHUBISCA, a settlement of the missions which belong to the religious order of St. Francis, in the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya, lying four leagues to the s. e. one-fourth to the s. of the settlement and real of the mines of San Felipe de Chiguaga. Fivfe leagues to the s. €. of this settlement are two large estates, called Fresnos and Charcas.
CHUCAPA, a settlement of the province and norregimiento of Angaraes in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Acoria.
Same name another settlement, in the province and correghniento of Xauja in the same kingdom.
CHUCANTI, a river of the province and government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae. it rises in the mountains towards the n. and enters the sea between the islands Las Palmas and Pinos.
CHUCAY, a settlement of the province of Venezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate on the extremity of the peninsula formed by the cape of San Roman.
CHUCHA, a bay in the port of Portobelo, and lying quite in the interior of the same. It is an harbour, or second port, of a circular figure, closed in on all sides, its access being through a narrow channel. Several rivers flow into it.
CHUCHE, a small island of the S. sea, in the bay and gulph of Panama. It lies the farthest of any from the coast, and to the w. of the large island of Rey.
CHUCHULAIA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Combaya, in which there is a pious sanctuary of Our Lady, much frequented.
CHUCUNAQUI, a large river of the province of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountainous parts, and runs 13 leagues as far as the fort Royal of Santa Maria, collecting in its course the waters of 20 rivers less than itself ; it then enters the grand river Tuira.
CHUCHUNGA, a settlement of the province and government of Jaen do Bracamoros in the kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the river of its name, having a port, which is a lading-place for the river Maranon. The above river rises in the sierra of the province of Luya and Chilians, enters the Ymasa, being united to the Cumbassa ; these together run into the Maranon, and at their conflux is the aforesaid port. Its mouth is in lat. 5° 12' SO* s.
CllUCMI. See Julumito.
CHUCO, Santiago de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huamachuco in Peru.
CHUCUITO, a province and government of Peru ; bounded e. by the great lake of its name, and part of the province of Omasuyos ; n. by that of Paucarcolla orPuno ; s. e. by that of Pacages ; and s. w. and w. by the cordillera of the coast which looks towards Moquehua. It is 23 leagues long from «. to s. and 36 wide. It was extremely populous at the time of the conquest, and was on that account considered wealthy. Its governors had the controul of political afiairs, and enjoyed the title of vice-patron and captain-general of the immediate provinces, including some which lay upon the coast. It is of a cold but healthy temperature, particularly in the rainy months, which are December, February, and March. It produces sweet and bitter papas, of which are made chum, bark, canagua, hagua, and barley. In some of the glens, where the soil is moister, they grow pulse, flowers, and fruit-trees. This province abounds in cattle, such as cows, sheep and pigs, and native sheep, which the natives use for trading instead of asses ; the regular load for each being four or five arrohas. Here are also bred alpacas, huanacos, vicunas, deer, cuyes, and vizcachas, which are similar in shape and figure to a hare ; also pigeons, partridges, ducks, and ostriches. From (he fleeces of the cattle many kinds of woven articles are made for useful and ornamental apparel, beautifully dyed ; and from the wool of the alpaca handsome carpets, quilts, and mantles of various designs and colours. This province has many silver mines, which are worked with emolument ; also streams of hot medicinal waters. It is situate on the shores of the great lake of Chucuito, from which large quantities of fish are taken, and sold for a good price to the neighbouring provinces. It is watered by several rivers, all of which enter the lake : the largest or most considerable of them is the Hilava. Its natives amount to 30,000, separated in 10 different settlements. Its repartimiento used to amount to 101,730 dollars, and its alcavala to 813 dollars annually. The capital is of the same name. This
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venerated an image of Oar L idy, the most celebrated for miracles of any in the whole kingdom. The wonderful things, indeed, that have been wrought here, have caused it to be the object of great devotion ; accordingly an handsome temple has been erected, and the riches and ornaments which adorn the same are exceedingly valuable. People conse here from all the distant provinces to offer up their prayers, to implore the protection of the Holy Virgin, and to thank her for benefits received. The festival here celebrated is on the 8th of September, when the quantity of people assembled is so large as to give the place, for the space of 12 days, t!ie‘ appearance of a fair.
COCHAS, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxatambo in Peru.
COCHE, an island of the North sea, near the coast of Nueva Andalucia, and belonging to the island of Margarita. It is nine miles in circumference, and its territory is low and barren. It was celebrated for the pearl-fishery formerly carried on here. It is four leagues to the e. of Cubagiia.
COCHEARI, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas. It runs w. and enters the Madera opposite the Yamari.
[COCHECHO, a n.w. branch of Piscataqua river in New Hampshire. It rises in the Blue hills in Strafford county, and its mouth is five miles above Hilton’s point. See Piscat.xqua.J
COCHEIRA, Cumplida, a river of the country of Brazil. It rises to the n. of the gold mines of La Navidad, runs w. and enters the Tocantines on the e. side, between the Salto de Ties Leguas and the settlement of the Portal de San Luis.
COCHIMATLAN, a settlement of the head settlement of Almololoyan, and alcald'ia mayor of Colima, in Nueva Espana. It contains 100 families of Indians, whose trade consists in the manufacturing of salt, and the cultivation of their gardens, which produce various kinds of fruits. Two leagues to the w. of its head settlement.
COCHINOCA, a settlement of the province and governmeist of Tucuman, in the jurisdiction of the city of Xnjui. It has an hermitage, with the dedicatory title of Santa Barbara, which is a chapel of ease, and three other chapels in the settlement of Casivindo. The Indians of this place manufacture gunpowder equal to that of Europe, and in its district are some gold mines.
COCHINOS, Ensenada de, a bay on the s. coast of the island of Cuba, between the point Gorda and the bay of Xagua, opposite the falls of i)iego Perez.
COCHITI, a settlement of the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico ; situate at the source of a river which enters the large river Uel Norte, or of the North.
COCHOAPA, a settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana; situate upon a dry and barren plain. It contains 150 families of Indians, who are busied in the cultivation of cotton, the only production of the place.
COCHON, a small isle of the North sea, near the island of Guadalupe, in the bay of the Cul de Sac Petit, or Cala Angosta.
COCHUTA, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.
COCHUY, a province of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada, to the n. e. ; bounded by the province of Chita. It has now the name of Laches, from having been inhabited by this nation of Indians. It is very thinly peopled, of a hot climate, and abounding in Avoods.
COCKAHISPEN, a small river of Canada, which runs n. e. and enters Hudson’s bay.
[COCKBCRNE, a township in the n. part of New Hampshire, Grafton county, on the e. bank of Connecticut river, s, of Colebrooke.]
[COCKERMOUTH, a town in Grafton county, New Hampshire, about 15 miles n. e. of Dartmouth college. It was incorporated in 1766, and in 1775 contained 118 inhabitants ; and in 1790, 373.]
[COCKSAKIE. See Coxakie.]
COCLE, a large river of the province and government of Panama in the kingdom of Tierra Firmc. It is formed by the union of the Penome and the Nata, which run to the right and left of the mountain of Toabre, becoming navigable from that part to their entrance into the sea. A contraband trade was in former times constantly carried on through this river into the S. sea ; for which reason Don Dionisio de Alcedo (the father of the author of this Dictionary) built a fort which defended its entrance, as likewise a rvatch-tower or signal-house, to give notice of any strange vessels which might enter the river for the above purposes. The English took this tower, and built another fort by it in 1746, having been assisted by a company of at least 200 smugglers. These w ere dislodged in their turn by the aforesaid president, who inflicted condign punishment upon the heads of all the offenders.
COCMONOMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of Peru, who inhabit the mountains ol' the province of Guanuco. They are docile, of a noble spirit, and in continual warfare with the Callisecas and Mazupes.
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linas and that of Chirgua, in the space left by these rivers as they run to enter the Portuguesa.
CULEBRAS, rio de, a settlement of the same province and government (Venezuela) as is the former lake ; situate on the sliore of the river Yaraqui, to the e. of the town of San Felipe.
CULEBRAS, RIO DE, an island of the N. sea, near the coast of the province and government of Cartagena, at the entrance of the large river of La Magdalena.
CULEBRILLAS, a small island of the S. sea, in the bay of Panama, of the province and government of Tierra Firme; is one of those which Ibrm with that of Perico the port of this name. .
CULIACAN, a province and alcald'm mayor of the kingdom of Nueva Galicia ; bounded n. and n. e. by the province of Cinaloa, s. by that of Copala, s. w. by the kingdom of Niieva Fizcaya, s. by that of Chiamatlan, and w. by the gulf of California. It is 60 leagues in length and 50 in Avidth. It is fertile, apd abounds in all sorts of productions; is watered by various rivers, particularly the Umaya, Avhich is very large, and in which are caught great quantities offish. It empties itself into the S. sea, in the port of Navitoos. It abounds in various earths, salt, and silver mines, and in many settlements of Mexican Indians, reduced by the missionaries of the religion of St. Francis. The capital is of the same name. Lat.24°58'??.
CULIACAN, with the dedicatory title of San Miguel, a town which was founded by Nunez de Guzman in 1531 ; situate on the banks of a small river, Avhich afterwards unites itself Avith the Umaya. It is 160 leagues from Guadalaxara, and 260 from Mexico. The other settlements of this province are,
Cozela Real de Minas==, ==Binapa, Tacuchameta==, ==Baita.
CULIACAN, a settlement of the intendancy of Sonora in Nueva Espana, celebrated in the Mexican history under the name of Hueicolhuacan. The population is estimated at 10,800 souls.]
CULIACAN, a river of this province (Sonora), which divides the jurisdiction of the same from that of Cinaloa. It runs into the sea at the entrance of the gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. At its mouth or entrance are some very dangerous shoals of the same name. See St. Michael.
CULLI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Canta in Peru j annexed to the curacy of Pari.
CULLOUMAS, a settlement of Indians, of ths province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the shore of the river Apalachicola.
CULLOUMAS, a settlement of the province and corregirnienlo of Canta in Peru ; annexed to thecuracy of San Buenaventura.
CULLUE, a large lake of the province and corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. From it is formed the canal Avhich empties itself into the river Paria.
CULLURI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Toledo.
CULLURQUI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru, in the vicinity of which, in an estate for breeding cattle, is a poor chapel of Santa Rosa, and near to this two very large rocks, Avhich, being touched with small stones, send forth a sound similar to bells of the best temper and metal.
CULPEPPER, a county in Virginia, between the Blue ridge and the tide waters, which contains 22,105 inhabitants, of whom 8226 are slaves. The court-house of this county is 45 miles from Fredericksburg, and 95 from Charlottesville.]
CULTA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Condocondo.
CULTEPEQUE, a settlement of the real of the silver mines of the province and alcaldia mayor of Tlaxcala in Nueva Espana.
CULUACAN, San Lucas de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcatdia mayor of Yzucár in Nueva Espana. It contains 50 tamilies of Indians, and Avas formerly the capital of the jurisdiction. Here there still remain some baths of warm water, celebrated for the cure of many infirmities. It is two leagues to the s. Avith a slight inclination to the 5. e. of its head settlement.
CUMA, San Antonio de, a town of the province and captainship of Marañan in Brazil. It contains a good parish-church, two convents of monks, one of the order of Carmen, and the other of La Merced ; and at a short distance from the town is a house Avhich was the residetice of the regulars of the company of .Jesuits. This town belongs to the lordship of the house of Antonio Alburquerque Coello de Carballo. It is three leagues from its capital.
CUMA, San Antonio de, another settlement in this province and kingdom (Marañan Brazil); situate near the coast and the cape of its name.
CUMA, San Antonio de. This cape is .also in the same captainship^ (Marañan) between a bar and the bay of Cabelo de Yelha. The aforesaid bar is a
Ostimiiri in Nueva Espana ; situate 45 leagues from the river Chico.
CUMPLIDA, an island of Paraguay, in the province and government of this name. It issues from an arm thrown out on the w. side of the river, and forms the lake Jayba.
CUMPLIDA, another island, of the Itenes or Guapore, in the province and country of Las Amazonas.
CUMPLIDO, Cayo, an inlet of the N. sea, near the coast of the island of Cuba, the Cayo Romano, and the Cayo de Cruz.
[CUNCHES, Indians of Chile. See index to additional history respecting that country, chap.
CUNDAUE, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada.
Cundurmarca|CUNDURMARCA]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of its capital.
CUNEN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of Guatemala.
CUNGAYO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Angaraez in Peru.
CUNGIES, a barbarous nation of Indians, who inhabit the «. of the river Napo, between the rivers Tambur to the e. and the Blanco, a small river, to the w. These infidels are bounded n. by the Ancuteres, and dwell near to the Abijiras and the Icahuates.
[Cuniue|CUNIUE]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Cuenca in the kingdom of Quito ; in the district of which are many estates, as those of Pillachiquir, Guanacauri, Tianorte, Pugni, Tambo de Marivina, Alparupaccha, and Chinan.
CUNIUOS, a barbarous and ferocious nation of the province and country of Las Amazonas, to the c. of the river Ucayale, and to the s. of the Maranon. It is very numerous, and extends as far as the mountain of Guanuco, and the shore of the river Beni. These Indians are the friends and allies of the Piros, and were first converted by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, the missionaries of the province of Maynas ; but in 1714 they rose against these holy fathers, and put to death the Father Bicter, a German, and the Licentiate Vazquez, a regular priest, who accompanied the said mission.
[Cuntuquita|CUNTUQUITA]], a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Carabaya ; annexed to the curacy of Coaza.
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CUNUMAL, San Geronimo de, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Olto.
[Cunuri|CUNURI]], a settlement of the province and government of Guayana, one of those belonging to the missions held there by the Capuchin fathers. It is on the shore of the river Y uruario, near the settlement of San Joseph de Leonisa.
CUNURIS, a river of the same province as the above settlement (Guyana). It rises in the mountain of Oro, or of Parima, and runs s. until it enters the Maranon, in lat. 2° SO' s. It takes its name from the barbarous nation of Indians who live in the woods bordering upon its shores.
CUPALEN, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs e. and enters the Uruguay, between the rivers Gualeguay and Saspoy.
CUPANDARO, Santiago de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuiceo in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the lake. It contains 33 families of Indians, who have the peculiarity of being very white and good looking ; they live by fishing in the same lake. The settlement is two leagues from its capital.
CUPE, a large and abundant river of the province and government of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Fir me. It rises in the mountains in the interior, runs many leagues, collecting the waters of other rivers, and enters the Tuira.
CUPENAME, a river of the province and government of Guayana, or country of the Amazonas, in the part of the Dutch colonies.
CUPl, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chumbivilcas in the same kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Toro.
[CUPICA, a bay or small port to the s. e. of Panama, following the coast of the Pacific ocean, from cape S. Miguel to cape Corientes, The name of this bay has acquired celebrity in the kingdom of New Granada, on account of a new plan of communication between the two seas. From Cupica we cross, for five or six marine leagues, a soil quite level and proper for a canal, which would terminate at the Embarcadero of the Rio Naipi ; this last river is navigable, and flows below the village of Zatara into the great Rio Atrato, which itself enters the Atlantic sea. A very intelligent Biscayan pilot, M. Gogueneche, was the first rvho had the merit of turning the attention of government to the bay of Cupica, which ought to be for the new continent what Suez was formerly for Asia. M. Gogueneche proposed to transport the cacao of Guayaquil by the 4 c