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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


CAPANA, a river of the province and country of the Amazonas, in the part belonging to the Portuguese. It rises in the territory of the Yaveis Indians, between the rivers Cuchivara and the Madera ; runs to the s. and turning to the s. s. e. enters into one of the lakes which forms the latter river.

CAPANATOIAQUE, a small settlement of the head settlement of Acantepec, and alcaldía mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva España. Its temperature is warm, and it contains 90 families of Mexican Indians, who employ themselves in the cultivating and dressing of cotton.

CAPANEMA, a settlement of the province and captainship of Todos Santos in Brazil ; situate on the shore of the river of its name, near the bay.

Capanema, a river of the same province, which rises near the coast, runs e. and enters the sea in the bay.

CAPANEREALTE, a river of the province and alcaldía mayor of Soconusco, in the kingdom of Guatemala. It runs into the S. sea between the rivers Colate and Gueguetlan.

CAPARE, an island of the river Orinoco, in the province and government of Guayana; situate at the entrance, and one of those forming the mouths, of that river.

CAPARRAPI, a small settlement of the jurisdiction of the city of Palma, and corregimiento of Tunja, in the new kingdom of Granada. Its temperature is warm ; the number of its inhabitants is much reduced ; they may, however, still amount to 40 housekeepers : its only productions are some maize, cotton, yucas, and plantains.

CAPATARIDA, a settlement of the province and government of Maracaibo ; situate on the coast, at the mouth of the river so called.

Capatarida, the river which rises near the coast, runs n. and enters the sea.

(CAPATI. Within a very few years has been discovered in the gold mine of this place, on the mountains of Copiapo, a new immalleable sort of metal, of a kind unknown to the miners ; but Molina imagined it to be no other than platina.)

CAPAUILQUE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento ofYamparaes, and archbishopric of Charcas, in Peru.

(CAPE St. Andrew’s, on the coast of Paraguay, or La Plata, S, America. Lat. 38° 18' s. Long. 58° 2' w.)

(Cape St. Antonio, or Anthonio, is the point of land on the s. side of La Plata river in S. America, which, with cape St. Mary on the n. forms the mouth of that river. Lat. 36° 32' s. Long, 56° 45' w.)

(Cape St. Augustine, on the coast of Brazil, S. America, lies s. of Pernambuco. Lat. 8° 39' s. Long. 35° 8' w.)

(Cape Blow-me-down, which is the s. side of the entrance from the bay of Fundy into the basin of Minas, is the easternmost termination of a range of mountains, extending about 80 or 90 miles to the gut of Annapolis; bounded n. by the shores of the bay of Fundy, and s. by the shores of Annapolis river.)

(Cape Cod, anciently called Mallebarre by the French, is the s. e. point of the bay of Massachusetts, opposite cape Ann. Lat. 42° 4' n. Long. 70° 14' w. from Greenwich. See Barnstaple County and Province Town.)

(Cape Elizabeth, a head-land and township in Cumberland county, district of Maine. The cape lies in n. lat. 43° 33' e. by s. from the centre of the town nine miles, about 20 s. w. of Cape Small point, and 12 n e. from the mouth of Saco river. The town has Portland on the n. e. and Scarborough s. w. and contains 1355 inhabitants. It was incorporated in 1765, and lies 126 miles n. e. of Boston.)

(Cape Fear is the s. point of Smith’s island, which forms the mouth of Cape Fear river into two channels, on the coast of N. Carolina, s. w. of cape Look-out, and remarkable for a dangerous shoal called the Frying-pan, from its form. Near this cape is Johnson’s fort, in Brunswick county, and district of Wilmington. Lat. 33° 57' n. Long. 77° 56' w.)

(Cape Fear River, more properly Clarendon, affords the best navigation in N. Carolina. It opens to the Atlantic ocean by two channels. 'I'he s. w. and largest channel, between the s. w. end of Smith’s island, at Bald head, where the light-house stands, and the e. end of Oakes island s. w. from fort Johnston. The new inlet is between the sea-coast and the n. e. end of Smith’s island. It will admit vessels drawing 10 or 11 feet, and is about three miles wide at its entrance, having 18 feet water at full tides over the bar. It continues its breadth to the flats, and is navigable for large vessels 21 miles from its mouth, and 14 from Wilmington ; to which town vessels drawling 10 or 12 feet can reach without any risk. As you ascend this river you leave Brunswick on the left and Wilmilgton on the right. A little above Wilmington the river divides into n. e. and n. w. branches. The former is broader than the latter, but is neither so deep nor so long. The n. w. branch rises within a few miles of the Virginia line, and is formed by the junction of Haw and Deep rivers. Its general course is s. e. Sea ves-

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934



[boyes. or pretended magicians, sacrifices and worship ; wounding themselves on such solemnities with an instrument made of the teeth of the agouti, which inflicted horrible gashes ; conceiving, perhaps, that the malignant powers delighted in groans and misery, and were to be appeased only by human blood,]

Caribe, a settlement of the same province and government ; situate on the windward coast of the cape of Tres Puntas. In its district are 26 plantations, 15 of cacao, and the rest of vines and maize, which yield but indifferently, from a want of water; although they find means of supplying this in some degree by the rain. The community consists of 1070 souls ; and is five leagues distant from the settlement of Carupano.

(CARIBEANA, now called Paria or New Andalucia, which see.)

CARIBES, a barbarous and ferocious nation of Indians, who are cannibals, inhabiting the province which by them is called Caribana. They are divided under the titles of the Maritiraos and Mediterraneos : the former live in plains and upon the coast of the Atlantic, are contiguous to the Dutch and French colonies, and follow the laws and customs of the former, with whom they carry on a commerce. They are the most cruel of any that infest the settlements of the missions of the river Orinoco, and are the same as those called Galibis. The Mediterraneos, who inhabit the s. side of the source of the river Caroni, are of a more pacific nature, and began to be reduced to the faith by the regular order of the abolished society of the Jesuits in 1738, The name of Caribes is given not only to these and other Indians of the Antilles, but to all such as are cannibals. See Caribe.

(CARIBOU, an island towards the e. end of lake Superior in N. America, n. w. of Cross cape, and s. w. of Montreal bay.)

CARICARI, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Toledo.

Caricari, also called Laguacina, a point of land on the coast of the province and government of the Rio del Hacha.

CARICHANA, a settlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana ; one of the missions of the Rio Meta, which was under the care of the society of Jesuits, of the province of Santa Fe. It is situate on the shore of the Orinoco, by the torrent of its name ; and is at present under the care of the religious order of Capuchins.

Carichana, Torrent of, a strait of the river

Orinoco, formed by different islands, some covered by, and some standing out of, the water, so that the navigation is very difficult and dangerous. It is near the mouth of the river Meta.

CARIJANA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Camata.

=CARILLON==, a fort belonging to the French, in New France.

(CARIMBATAY, a parish of the province and government of Paraguay ; situate a little to the n. w. of the town of Curuguaty. Lat. 24° 33' 35". Long. 55° 57' w.)

Carimbatay, a river of the above province and government, which runs w. and enters the Xexuy near the town of Curuguato.

CARIMU, a small river of the province and colony of the Dutch, in Surinam ; one of those which enter the Cuium on the s. side.

CARINIS, a small river of the province and captainship of Para in Brazil. It rises in the country of the Aritus Indians, runs e. and enters the Guiriri.

CARIOCOS, a lake of the country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese territories, on the shore of the river. It is formed by the Topinambaranas, which, according to Mr. Bellin, makes this sheet of water before it enters the former river.

CARIPE, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, situate in the middle of a serranía; one of the missions in that province belonging to the Aragonese Capuchin fathers.

CARIPORES, a settlement of S. America, to the n. of Brazil and of the river of Las Amazonas : although of barbarian Indians, it deserves particular mention, on account of its virtuous and pacific customs, so different from the brutality and sloth of the surrounding nations. These Indians are handsome, lively, bold, valorous, liberal, honest, and affable, and in short the most polished nation of Indians in all America ; they esteem honour, justice, and truth; are enemies to deceit, eat bread made of cazave, which they have a method of preserving good for three or four years. They do not scruple to eat the flesh of some ugly snakes found in their woods, but are not cannibals ; neither do they revenge upon their prisoners taken in war the cruelties they experience from their enemies.

CARIUITOS, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae.

(CARIY, a parish of the province and govern-

Last edit over 6 years ago by kmr3934
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