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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]





from s. to e. between 'the rivers Mechicor and St. John, and entering the sea at the mouth of the bay of Fundy.

AGRATUMATI, a river of the province and government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains of the ». and efiters the sea by the Little Beech, opposite Calidonia.

AGREDA, or NUEVA MA'LAGA, a city of the province and government of Popayan, in the kingdom of Quito, founded by Geronimo Aguado in 1541. It is small, and of a hot temperature, but abounds in gold mines. Forty-five leagues s. w. of its capital, 42 from Quito, and 37 to the e. of the S, sea.

AGRESINAS, a settlement founded by the Portuguese fathers of the Carmelite. order, in the country of the Amazonas, situate on the shores of the river Amazonas.

AGRIAS, a nation of Indians of the province and government of Santa Marta, to the w. of the Cienega Grande. It was formerly very numerous, but at present considerably reduced.

AGUA, Port of, on the n. coast of the island of St. Domingo, between Point Rabeland the Bay of Marques-

Agua, a small island, situate near the k. coast of the island of Vaca, in the channel formed by the island of St. Domingo, in front of the bay of Mesle.

Agua, also Ojos de Agua, two springs or fountains of the province and corregimi'ento of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile, near the lake of Inca, from whence the river Quillota takes its source.

Agua Blanca, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, situate between the rivers Sarare and Acarigua, to the e. of the town of Araure.

Agua Buena y Dulce, or Fresh Water, a bay of the strait of Magellan, near the bay of La Gente.

Agua-Caliente, a settlement of the kingdom of Guatemala.

Agua-Clara, a river of the province and government of Paraguay. It runs e. and enters the Parana on the w. side.

Agua Colorada, a river of the same province and government as the former(Paraguay), which runs e. and enters also the large river of Parana.

==Agua de Culebra, SAN FRANCISCO XAVIER DE LA==, 'a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela, a reduccionof Indians of the Capuchin fathers ; but the place is also inhabited by some Spanish families. It belongs to the

district and jurisdiction of the city of San Felipe ; and in its vicinity dwell a great number of people in the estates belonging to it, and which produce abundance of cacao, plantains, yucas, and other vegetable productions.

Agua-Dulce, Caleta de, or Creek of, on the s. coast of the strait of Magellan, on the side of the bay of San Martin.

Agua Escondida, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana, situate at the foot of a mountain, and to the n. of Santa Clara.

Agua-Verde, an island of the gulph of California, or Red sea of Cortes, situate near the coast, between the islands of Carmen and Monserrat.

AGUACAGUA, a settlement of the province of Guayana, and government of Cumana, one of those belonging to the missions of the Catalanian Capuchin fathers. It is on the shore of the river Caroni, near the mouth, through which this enters the Orinoco. Lat. 8° 22' n. Long. 62^ 42' w.

AGUACATAL, a settlement of the province and government of Antioquia, situate in the valley of Peneo, on the shore of the river Cauca. Lat. 8° n. Long. 75° 28' w.

AGUACATENANGO, a settlement of the province and alceddia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala. [Lat. 16° 18' n. Long. 91° 57' a).]

AGUACATLAN, the head settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of Xala in N ueva Espana. In 1745 it contained 80 families of Indians, who employed themselves in the culture of maize and French beans. It has a convent of the religious order of St. Francis, and lies two leagues s. e. of its capital.

AGUACHAPA, a settlement of the province and government of Nicaragua in the kingdom of Guatemala.

AGUADA, a settlement of the island of Portorico ; situate in the bay of its name (Aguda), between the capes Boriquen and St. Francis. It serves as an inlet for ships going to Tierra Firme and Nueva Espana to take in water. [Lat. 18° 23' «. Long. 67° 6' a;.]

Aguada (Bay), the aforesaid bay (Aguda) in the above island (Porto rico).

Aguada (point), the point on the coast and at the head of the above island, 27 leagues distant from the cape of San Rafael, of the island of St. Domingo.

Aguada (river), a river near the cape (San Rafael) or former point (Aguada), and in the same island (St. Domingo), being a place where ships are accustomed to take in water.

Aguada (Small river), a small river of the province and

Last edit about 6 years ago by rodeleon
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