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The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]


finger, but of so hard a texture, that, when split, they cut exactly like a knife. These Indians speak the Tchicachan language, and with the other nations are in alliance against the Iroquees.

ABERCORN, a town of the province and colony of New Georgia, on the shore of the river Savannah, near where it enters the sea, and at a league's distance from the city of this name. [It is about 30 miles from the sea, 5 miles from Ebenezer, and 13 N W of Savannah.]

ABIDE, mountains, or serrania, of the province and government of Cartagena. They run from W to N E from near the large river of Magdalena to the province of Chocó, and the S. Sea. Their limits and extent are not known, but they are 20 leagues wide, and were discovered by Capt. Francisco Cesar in 1536; he being the first who penetrated into them, after a labour of 10 months, in which time he had to undergo the most extreme privations and excessive perils ; not that these exceeded the hardships which were endured by the licentiate Badillo, who entered upon its conquest with a fine army.

ABIGIRAS, a settlement of Indians, one of the missions, or a reduction, which belonged to the regular order of the Jesuits, in the province and government of Mainas, of the kingdom of Quito ; founded in the year 1665, by the father Lorenzo Lucero, on the shore of the river Curarari, 30 leagues from its mouth, and 240 from Quito.

[Abineau Port, on the N side of lake Erie, is about 13 miles W S W from fort Erie. Lat. 42° 6' N Long. 79° 15' W. ]

[ABINGDON, a town at the head of the tide waters of Bush river, Harford county, Maryland, 12 miles SW from Havre-de-Grace, and 20 NE from Baltimore. Cokesbury college, instituted by the methodists in 1785, is in this town. Lat. 39° 27' 30" N Long. 76° 20' 35" W.]

[another, the chief town of Washington county, Virginia, contained but about 20 houses in 1788, and in 1796 upwards of 150. It is about 145 miles from Campbell's station, near Holston; 260 from Richmond in Virginia, in a direct line, and 310 as the road runs, bearing a little to the S of W Lat. 36° 41' 30" N Long. 81° 59' W.]

[ABINGTON, a township in Plymouth county, Massachusetts; 22 miles SE from Boston, and contains 1453 inhabitants. Lat. 42° 4' 30". ]

[another, a parish in the town of Pomfret in Connecticut. Lat. 42° 4' 30". Long. 70° 51' 30".]

[another, a village in Pennsylvania, 32 miles N of Philadelphia.]

Abipi, a small settlement of the jurisdiction of Muzo, and corregimiento of Tunja, in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a hot temperature, producing some wheat, maize, yucas, plantains, and canes ; it has been celebrated for its rich mines of emeralds, which are, however, at present abandoned from want of water; it is nearly three leagues distant from the large mine of Itoco.

ABIPONES, a nation of barbarous Indians, of the province and government of Tucuman, inhabiting the S shores of the river Bermejo. Their number once exceeded 100000; but they are certainly at present much reduced. They go naked, except that the women cover themselves with little skins, prettily ornamented, which they call queyapi. They are very good swimmers, of a lofty and robust stature, and well featured: but they paint their faces and the rest of their body, and are very much given to war, which they carry on chiefly against such as come either to hunt or to fish upon their territory. Their victims they have a custom of sticking upon lofty poles, as a landmark, or by way of intimidation to their enemies. From their infancy they cut and scarify their bodies, to make themselves hardy. When their country is inundated, which happens in the five winter months, they retire to live in the islands, or upon the tops of trees: they have some slight notion of agriculture, but they live by fishing, and the produce of the chase, holding in the highest estimation the flesh of tigers, which they divide among their relations, as a sort of precious relic or dainty ; also asserting that it has the properties of infusing strength and valour. They have no knowledge either of God, of law, or of policy; but they believe in the immortality of the soul, and that there is a land of consummate bliss, where they shall dance and divert themselves after their death. When a man dies, his widow observes a state of celibacy, and fasts a year, which consists in an abstinence from fish: this period being fulfilled, an assembly run out to meet her, and inform her that her husband has given her leave to marry. The women occupy themselves in spinning and sewing hides; the men are idlers, and the boys run about the whole day in exercising their strength. The men are much addicted to drunkenness, and then the women are accustomed to conceal their husband's weapons, for fear of being killed. They do not rear more than two or three children, killing all above this number.

Abisca, an extensive province of the kingdom of Peru, to the E of the Cordillera of the Andes, between the rivers Yetau and Amarumago, and to the S of Cuzco. It is little known, consisting entirely of woods, rivers, and lakes; and hither many barbarous nations of Indians have retired, selecting for their dwelling places the few plains which belong to the province. The Emperor Yupanqui endeavoured to make it subservient to his controul, but without success: the same disappointment awaited Pedro de Andia in his attempt to subjugate it in the year 1538.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rodeleon




COIOTZINGO, S. Miguel de, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Guejozingo in Nueva Espana. It contains IS families of Indians.

COIQUAR, a settlement of the province and government of Cumaná, situate on tlie shore of a river, between t!ie city of Cariaco, and the interior bay of the gulf Triste.

COIUCA, San Miguel de, a settlement and head settlement of tlie district of the government of Acapulco in Nueva Espana. It contains 137 families of Indians, and is nine leagues to the n. e. of its capital. Close by this, and annexed to it, is another settlement, called Chinas, with 120 families.

Coiuca, with the dedicatory title of San Agustin, another settlement of the head settlement and alcaldin mayor of Zacatula in the same kingdom ; containing 32 families of Indians and some Mustees, and being annexed to the curacy of its capital.

COIULA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Cuicatlan in Nueva Espaua. It contains SO families of Indians, who trade in cochineal. Three leagues e. of its capital.

COIUTLA, a settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of Zochicoatlan in Nueva Espana ; situate on a plain surrounded bj^ heights. It is annexed to the curacy of its capital, and contains 37 families of Indians, being; 15 leagrucs distant from its capital.

COJATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Paucarcolla in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Vilques.

COJEDO, a settlement of the province and government of Venezuela in the kingdom of Tierra Firme ; situate on the skirt of a mountain near the river Guarico,

(COKESBURY College, in the town of Abington, in Harford county, Maryland, is an institution which bids fair to promote the improvement of science, and the cultivation of virtue. It was founded by the methodists in 1785, and has its name in honour of Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury, the American bishops of the methodist episcopal church. The edifice is of brick, handsomely built on a healthy spot, enjoying a fine air and a very extensive prospect. The college was erected, and is wholly supported by subscription and voluntary donations. The students, who are to consist of the sons of travelling preachers, annual subscribers, members of the society, and orphans, are instructed in English, Latin, Greek, logic, rhetoric, history, geography, natural philosophy,


and astronomy ; and when the finances of the college will admit, they are to be taught the Hebrew, French, and German languages. The rules for the private conduct of the students extend to their amusements ; and all tend to promote regularity, encourage industry, and to nip the buds of idleness and vice. Their recreations without doors are walking, gardening, riding, andbathiiig; within doors they have tools and accommodations for the carpenter’s, joiner’s, cabinet-maker’s, or turner’s business. These they are taught to consider as pleasing and healthful recreations, both for the body and mind.]

COLAISACAPE, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.

COLUMBO, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Loxa in the kingdom of Quito.

COLAMI, a settlement of Indians of S. Carolina; situate on the shore of the river Albama.

COLAN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru, on the coast of the Pacific ; annexed to the curacy of Paita. its territory produces in abundance fruits and vegetables, which are carried for the supply of its capital. All its inhabitants are either agriculturists or fishermen. It is watered by the river Achira, also called Colan, as well as the settlement ; and though distinct from Cachimayu, it is not so from Catamayu, as is erroneously stated by Mr. La Martiniere. [Here they make large rafts of logs, which will carry 60 or 70 tons of goods ; with these they make long voyages, even to Panama, 5 or 600 leagues distant, 'fhey have a mast with a sail fastened to it. They always go before the wind, being unable to ply against it ; and therefore only fit for these seas, where the wind is always in a manner the same, not varying above a point or two all the way from Lima, till they come into the bay of Panama ; and there they must sometimes w'ait for a change. Their cargo is usually wine, oil, sugar, Quito cloth, soap, and dressed goat-skins. The float is usually navigated by three or four men, who sell their float where they dispose of their cargo ; and return as passengers to the port they came from. The Indians go out at night by the help of the land-wind with fishing floats, more manageable than the others, though these have masts and sails too, and return again in the dav time with the sea-wind.] Lat. 4° 56' s.

Colan, the aforesaid river. See Cat am a yu.

COLAPISAS, a settlement of Indians of the province and government of Louisiana ; situate on the shore of the Mississippi, upon a long strip of land formed by the lake Maurepas.

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Last edit almost 6 years ago by kmr3934
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