Phebe Martin

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Phebe Martin

2 Subpoena (Letter, Daniel Clark to Lewis Evans) (1 of 2 pages)

2 Subpoena (Letter, Daniel Clark to Lewis Evans) (1 of 2 pages)

Mississippi Territory County of Adams [unknown symbol]

To Lewis Evans Esq. Sheriff of said County

Whereas Phebe a Black Woman and native of Georgia supposed to be free; and lately Advertised by William Wells as a runaway Slave and brought before me by John Kean, declareth [sic] that her Parents were free, and that she was bound by her Mother to a Certain Champ Terry, until she was of Age, her time by him Transferr'd [sic] to Thomas Whitehead of Burk County in the State of Georgia & by him Transferr'd [sic] to John/John Wells and William Wells, or to One of them, who forcibly brought her to this Territory from the said State of Georgia. And Whereas the said Phebe informs Me that Stephen Blount, Luke Blount, John House, John Bickham, Thomas Bickham & John Wells Sen. Can verify the Truth of her declaration as aforesaid. These are therefore in the name of the United States to enjoin You to cause the said.

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4 Letter, Lintote to Evans June 20, 1800 1/2

4 Letter, Lintote to Evans June 20, 1800 1/2

Lewis Evans Esq.... Sheriff of the County of Adams

Some days ago was informed by Mr. Justice Clark that the Wench Phebe placed by the Court of Common Pleas in your care during the Suite therein depending on her accounts....hath been taken by Violence from this the Appalusa and an attempt there made to sell her as a a certain John Wells..the proof whereof is contained in a Letter from the Commandant of that place to Mr Justice Clark and by him transmited [sic]to Mr Duncan [ ] in the cause of Phoebe pending in our Court as afores'd--

Mr. Justice Dunbar says he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the Commd. of the Appalusa and can swear to it.... I have met with no conclusive oppinion [sic] on this busin ess... but I have made up mine [sic] ... which is that it clearly rests with you to prosecute; for it is from you, that the Ct. of comm'n pleas has to demand the Woman... It is recomm ended to one by Mr. Justice Clark to forward the prosecution of Wells to effect... and request

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6 Verdict

6 Verdict

We the jury find for the Plantiff/Phebe and that the Defendant/Wells is guilty of the Transport and False Imprisonment as charged in the detention[sic] and of selfs[sic] the damages to our court with Costs of Juis [sic] [trial?]

SB- We the jury find for the Plaintiff and that the defendant is guilty of the transport and False Imprisonment as charged in the detention-and offsets her damages to our Court with costs of trial.

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7 Verdict   John Wells

7 Verdict John Wells

Phebe Martin vs. John Wells

In this case the defendant comes into court and defends on and by modistation* and in nowise admiting [sic] the ability of the said Plaintiff/Phebe to sue in saith that he is in no wise gilty [sic] of the trespas [sic] assault and battery and imprisonment complained of in the plaintiff's Declaration and of this he puts himself on the Country. J. Williams/ attorney for Wells [name here is illegible. Looks like it begins D W Ba ] attorney for Defendant and the plaintiff also [signature] [illegible name, assumed to be P.M.]

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8 Summons for two witnesses

8 Summons for two witnesses

[2 different documents] MISSISIPPI TERRITORY. To the Sheriff of Adams County, Greeting:

YOU are hereby commanded to summon Sarah Erwin personally to appear before the Justices of County Court of Said County, to be held at the Court House on the 9th [Instant___] and not depart thence without leave of the Court; then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of Phebe Martin ______ in a certain matter of controversy depending in said Court then and there to be tried, between Phebe Martin Plaintiff and John Wells Jr. Defendant; and this you shall in no wise omit under the penalty prescribd by law. Witness Benjamin S[eaman?] Clerk of our said Court at the Clerk's Office this 6th day of June 6 in the year of our Lord 1803/ June 6, 1803 and in the 27th year of the Independence of the United States

Benj'n Seaman [?]

MISSISIPPI TERRITORY. To the Sheriff of Adams County/Evans, Greeting: YOU are hereby commanded to summon Champness Terry personally to appear before the Justices of the County Court of said - County, to be held at the Courthouse on the 9th Instant -, and not depart thence without leave of the Court; then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of Phebe Martin in a certain matter of controversy depending in said Court then and there to be tried, between said Phebe Martin _ Plaintiff and John Wells, Jr. - Defendant; and this you shall in no wise omit under the penalty prescribed by law. Witness Benjamin Seaman. Clerk of our said Court at the Clerk's Office this 6th day of June in the year of our Lord 1803/June 6, 1803 and in the 27th year of the Independence of the United States.

[rec'd ? name?] Benjamin Seaman[?]

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