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Texas State Association of Architects Year Book 1917

Needs Review



T. S. A. A.

In compiling the Year Book the Idea has been to get away from display advertising, to have more technical data and to make the Year Book of value as a reference work. It has been hard to do this and will take more than one issue to work it up to an ideal publication. From year to year, however such a result will be easier to attain and if the policy started this year is continued and improved, our yearly publication should be unique of its kind and increasingly valuable the profession. So, with humble apologies for its shortcomings and with the hope that the Idea can be perfected, the 1917 Year Book is offered to you for what it is worth.

Officers Texas State Association of Architects for the year 1917-18 will be according to


Nominations for offices of T. S. A. A. 1917-18:

For President ………………………………………..Roy E. Lane, Waco

First Vice President …………………………….J. Ed. Overbeck, Dallas

Second Vice President …………………………….C. C. Bulger, Dallas

Third Vice President …………………………. Ollie J. Lorehn, Houston

Fourth Vice President ……………….Leo M. J. Dielmann, San Antonio

Fifth Vice President ………………………………….H. D. Smith, Dallas

Sixth Vice President ……………………………..F. E. Giesecke, Austin

Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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