Texas State Association of Architects

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AIA Southern Chapter Proceedings

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son, that, like Michael Angelo of old, had greatness thrust upon him which he did not expect, and perchance it came so thick and fast he had to give up the ghost and leave an unfinished style for the ambitious young men to work out, not on the conditions of Angelo at St. Peter's, that no salary should be inserted in the agreement, but on the contrary the siren ery of the Angelo of to-day is, "What about the commission?"

Yet it is a very important fact in this day and generation to keep up the standard of proper remuneration for services rendered. How necestary it is then that as a profession we should possess the requirements of ability and business tact necessary in the administration of our business, that we may be able to give our clients value received for the small compensation we ask, and in the great revival which we see in the works of the rising generation of young architects, the success of those who have earned a reputation, has been the result of close study, actuated by artistic aspirations worthily won among the closest competitions.

As a profession architecture can boast variety in its labors; great scope is given the imagination and artistic mind as it is unfolded in the studies of design and the theory of construction, the latter being the great object of the means intended, yet not losing the artistic treatment which should always be studied, and after the ideal is formulated on the board, then the masterpiece on which depends the successful carrying out of the work is the specification -- defined by one writer as "a written statement of particulars for a certain proposed structure," to formulate which the architect should first have a perfectly practical knowledge of the profession. This is considered one of the most difficult branches of the profession, a duty which cannot be delegated to the draughtsman or any other employee. How often does an experienced practical builder smile to himself at manyof the absurd volumes of specifications exhibited to him to tender on, or execute work from, and which is often the cause of the great difference in bids. It should be simple in language and expressed in a clear, concise way.

As a body we have a great work to accomplish in the development of Southern architecture. Our climate demands entirely different planning, and there is a large scope of country to be worked, our prosperous cities, thriving towns and growing hamlets, all add to its various wants and studies. We have not yet reached the high building craze of our Western brethren; we have plenty of room to spread out on, and plenty of fresh air, and our genial climate demands that we plan for comfort and make room for the occupants without stint or cost.

Let us then, in this our second. annual convention, endeavor to assist each other in discharging the trust in our hands, in every good word and work, as brethren engaged in a profession, as a labor of love as well as for the money benefits we derive, and when we meet on the bloodless field of competition, either in Alabama, Florida, Texas or Georgia, or in the Lookout Valleys of Tennessee, may we not forget the interests of all as a whole, and act as if we were destitute of honorable sentiments, and not worthy of association. Let us then co-operate with our Eastern and

Last edit 9 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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