Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings



five candidates for Board of Trustees nominated in the report no. 2.

Mr. Heiner moved to ballot for each member of [?] and placed Mr. Andrewartha in [nomination?] and [?] Dodson, Heiner, Clayton, Wahrenberger and LArmour were duly elected.

Mr. Andrewarther [re'd?] 2 votes " Larmour " 8 Scattering 1

The election was made unanimous.

On motion, it was decided that the next convention be held at Houston.

On motion of Mr. Nixon and seconded by Mr. Heiner, the Pres. appointed a commitee of 3 to revise the constitutions and by-laws; and report at next annual meeting. [?] Nixon, Clayton and Heiner were appointed [?] committee. By request, Mr. Clayton was excused from acting on the committee, and Mr. S. P. Herbert of Waco was appointed in his place.

Mr. Wahrenberger presented the follow communication from the Texas Society of Engineers:

"At a meeting of the Texas Society of Engineers held Jan 4 1887, the following motion was made by the President, Mr. C. P. Mattack, and endorsed by the members present -

Recognizing the fact that it is desirable to secure by legislation, protection in the practice of Architects Engineering and kindred

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Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
Needs Review


Mr. J.J. Kane Pres. T.S.A.A.

Your Executive Committee report the following following resolution adopted by these: -

Whereas //left margin// This committee has rec'd [received] information of a charge of unprofssional practice on the part of Alfred Giles, therefore be it

Resolved //left margin// That Mr. Giles be and he is hereby suspended as a fellow of this Association until after his vindication of the charges now resting against him in connection with the building of the El Paso Court House.

W.C. Dodson. Chairman Ex Committee

The following resolution introduced by Mr. Heiner was endorsed and ordered spread on the minutes:

Resolved //left margin// That is be required of every Fellow of this Association to report to the Executive Committee any deviation from the schedule of charges at this Associaton by any member thereof -

On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. S.E. McIlhenry for the use of the parlors of "The Driskill" and alas to the Capitol Business College for the use of their rooms.

On motion of Mr. Dodson, the Convention adjourned sine-die.

Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


a high and honorable place with its sister states associations, by making and enforcing just and honorable rules for the guidance and practice of its members, and to be ever ready to exert our best efforts to elevate the profession to which we belong.

On motion of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, seconded by Eugene J. Heiner of Houston, it was resolved - that the thanks of the association be tendered President Kane for his able address, and that the address be spread upon the minutes and published in the next annual report in full.

Moved by W. C. Dodson that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as each member of the association was in possession of a printed of the last minutes. The motion prevailed.

The report of the Executive Committee admitted the following architects as members of the association,

A. B. Bristol, Dallas Cortez Clark, Dallas Guy M. Tozer, Dallas

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


-cation and detail drawings 5 percent;

Discussions were made on the resolutions by architects Eugene T. Heiner, Sam P. Herbert and W. W. Larmour, who favored the same, and Nat'l Tobey, W. H. Trundall, W. C. Dodson and A. O. Watson against resolution.

Motion by W. C. Dodson seconded by Nat'l Tobey that the resolution be referred to the the ecevutive committee for their consideration and that they report the same back to the convention with such recommendations or alterations or additions before the final adjournment of the convention. Carried.

An invitation received from Messers. Bering Bros to visit their extensive manfufactory was read and thanks returned.

Moved by Nat'l Tobey to adjourn to 9.30 A.M. Wednesday, Januart 18th. Motion prevailed.

Wednesday Morning Session

The convention was called to order at 10.30 A.M. President J. J. Kane in the chair.

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Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


offered by architect E. J. Heiner in reference to the schedule of charges.

On material of architect E. J. Heiner that the amendment be adopted, a lively discussion arose by all members present, and upon calling the roll, a tie vote was declared. The president voting in the affirmative the amendment was adopted.

The Auditing Committee upon the report of secretary Preston recommended that secretary Larmour inform him of his error in his report.

The committee on the amendments and revision of the constitution and by-laws reported that on account of the absence of one of the committee that they be allowed further time.

Mr. W. C. Dodson moved that the report of the committee on amending the constitution and by-laws be received and that the committee be continued and president J. J. Kane fill the place of Mr. Nixon on said committee, to report at our next regular meeting - Carried.

Moved by W. W. Larmour, that

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Last edit 11 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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