Texas State Association of Architects

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Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings

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Mr. J.J. Kane Pres. T.S.A.A.

Your Executive Committee report the following following resolution adopted by these: -

Whereas //left margin// This committee has rec'd [received] information of a charge of unprofssional practice on the part of Alfred Giles, therefore be it

Resolved //left margin// That Mr. Giles be and he is hereby suspended as a fellow of this Association until after his vindication of the charges now resting against him in connection with the building of the El Paso Court House.

W.C. Dodson. Chairman Ex Committee

The following resolution introduced by Mr. Heiner was endorsed and ordered spread on the minutes:

Resolved //left margin// That is be required of every Fellow of this Association to report to the Executive Committee any deviation from the schedule of charges at this Associaton by any member thereof -

On motion, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. S.E. McIlhenry for the use of the parlors of "The Driskill" and alas to the Capitol Business College for the use of their rooms.

On motion of Mr. Dodson, the Convention adjourned sine-die.

Last edit 10 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


The committee also report that our secretary, S. A. J. Preston, has removed his residence to Los Angeles, Cal. and that through some inadvertance our minutes, papers, seal [?] were sent to him at the place. As soon as the fact was known the Executive Committe wrote to Mr. Preston for all property belonging to the Association and have received everything except the impresssion seal and the copy of Roberts Rules of Order, which we are assured will be sent at once.

We also report that our legislative bill, which was presented to the twentieth legislature, was defeated, and we recommend that a new bill be formulated with all offensive features eliminated and the same be presented to our association at its next annual meeting for [?] and perfection, with the view of its presentation to the twenty-first legislature.

Respectfully, W. C. Dodson Ch'm Ex. Com.

The report of S. A. J. Preston was referred to the Auditing Committee.

The Executive Committee reported favorably to the resolution

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Last edit about 1 year ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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