Pages That Mention Eugene T. Heiner
Texas State Association of Architects Minutes and Proceedings
a high and honorable place with its sister states associations, by making and enforcing just and honorable rules for the guidance and practice of its members, and to be ever ready to exert our best efforts to elevate the profession to which we belong.
On motion of W. C. Dodson, of Waco, seconded by Eugene J. Heiner of Houston, it was resolved - that the thanks of the association be tendered President Kane for his able address, and that the address be spread upon the minutes and published in the next annual report in full.
Moved by W. C. Dodson that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as each member of the association was in possession of a printed of the last minutes. The motion prevailed.
The report of the Executive Committee admitted the following architects as members of the association,
A. B. Bristol, Dallas Cortez Clark, Dallas Guy M. Tozer, Dallas
E. J. Heiner Houston Sam. P. Herbert Waco J. J. Kane Fort Worth F. W. Kane Fort Worth J. Larmour Austin W. W. Larmour Waco S. A. J. Preston Austin J. N. Preston Austin Oscar Ruffini San Angelo Nat'l Tobey Dallas W. H. Tyndall Galveston Guy M. Tozer Dallas George W. Stewart Dallas Albert Ullrich Dallas Jas. Wahrenberger San Antonio A. O. Watson Austin
The following resolutions was offered by Eugene T. Heiner:
Resolved. That the schedule of changes be so changed that hereafter they shall be as follows: -
For free professional services (including supervision) 5 percent, upont the cost of the work, except for such work as hereinafter otherwise mentioned. For dwellings or resident buildings of all work costing less than $5000, 7 percent, divided as follws: for preliminary studies 1 1/2 percent; for preliminary studies, general drawings, specifications, 4 percent, for preliminary studies, general drawing, speci-
-cation and detail drawings 5 percent;
Discussions were made on the resolutions by architects Eugene T. Heiner, Sam P. Herbert and W. W. Larmour, who favored the same, and Nat'l Tobey, W. H. Trundall, W. C. Dodson and A. O. Watson against resolution.
Motion by W. C. Dodson seconded by Nat'l Tobey that the resolution be referred to the the ecevutive committee for their consideration and that they report the same back to the convention with such recommendations or alterations or additions before the final adjournment of the convention. Carried.
An invitation received from Messers. Bering Bros to visit their extensive manfufactory was read and thanks returned.
Moved by Nat'l Tobey to adjourn to 9.30 A.M. Wednesday, Januart 18th. Motion prevailed.
Wednesday Morning Session
The convention was called to order at 10.30 A.M. President J. J. Kane in the chair.
little anecote. Many years ago an old sea Captain, who is still sailing into the port of Galveston, was on a voyage from England to said port in command of an English Steamer and Crew; said commander being a plain unassum-ing but a noble fellow, was address-ed one day by his first Officer in rather a pompous manner in the following language: "Captain, shall we give those passengers Irish potatoes ad libitum?" //underlined ad libitum //
The Captain looked at him and finally answered in his plain but firm manner. "No, give them to um plain filed as they are ac-customed to having um." Gentlemen, I have given you this paper plain filed and I hope you will be able to digest it without pepper or salt.
Moved that the thanks of this Association be tendered Architect Tobey for his paper so kindly read, and the address be spread upon the minutes, Carried.
On Motion of Architect E. T. Heiner that the bill, "An act to regulate the practice of Architecture in the state of Texas" be called up and read by section, Carried.
Section 1 adopted as read.-
as other licensed architects, of the state, in case he remains or intends to superinted such work. In case such architect fails to take out such license, he shall be liable to all the fines and penalties of this act.
On motion of Nat'l Tobey the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P.M.
Wednesday - Afternoon Session
The convention was called to order by the president at 2 P.M.
The auditing committe reported the statement of the treasurer correct, and on motion of E. J. Heiner the report was received.
To the Texas State Association of Architects:
At a session of the Executive Committee, held at Houston, January 17th 1888, the following architects were admitted fellows of this Association - viz:
A. B. Bristol, Dallas, Cortez Clark, Dallas, A. O. Watson, Austin, [Gary?] M. Tozer, Dallas, Albert Ullrich, Dallas, George W. Stewart, Dallas, George E. Dickey, Houston,