


Status: Incomplete

Thos. Council, architect, has prepared
plans for J. E. Moyler; cost, $1,500.
Lexington.—E. N. Boogher, architect,
has prepared plans for a store house and
office for Dr. J. T. Wilson ; cost, $2,000.
Rose & Will, architects have made plans
for public school building for town of
Lexington; Champs & Loyace, builders;
cost, $9,000.
W. G. McDowell has prepared plans
for a residence for W. G. McDowell; cost,
Rose & Will have prepared plans for a
residence for W. A. Anderson; cost,
Prof. Humphries has made plans for a
church building for colored Methodists ;
Rich Jones (colored), builder.
Manchester.—P. J. White, architect,
Richmond, Ya., has prepared plans for a
church edifice for colored Baptists; J. J.
Dickerson & Bros.; cost, $22,000.
Richmond. —P. J. White, architect, has
prepared plans for three dwellings for N.
E. Beall; M. L. Percivall, builder; cost,
Residence for Benj. Davis ; cost, $3,000.
Store building for Varhon & Rose; M.
L. Percivall, builder; cost, $4,000.
Two dwellings for Geo. Schoen; cost,
Store building for J. Lillianfield ; Stowe
& Nuckols, builders; cost, $7,000.
Marion. —Messrs. Peters & Burns, archi-
tects, Dayton, Ohio, have prepared plans
for Governor’s Quarters National Soldiers
Home; cost, $7,000.
Wabash. -
Messrs. Peters & Burns,
architects, Dayton, Ohio, have prepared
plans for a residence for A. W. Hill; cost,
Dayton. —Messrs. Peters & Burns, archi-
tects, have prepared plans for a brick
machine shop for W. P. Callahan & Co.
Residence for Dr. C. A. Bonner; cost,
Gymnasium and industrial building for
Womans’ Christian Association; cost,
Paint Mill for Lowe Bros.; cost, $20,000.
Residence for Frank Connor; cost,
Fire department houses for city of Day-
ton; cost, $15,000.
Germantown. —Messrs. Peters & Burns,
architects, Dayton, Ohio, have prepared
plans for a residence for John PI. Roller;
cost, $7,500.
A hundred and fifty carpenters, brick-
layers and masons have made as yet
small progress in the work of preparing
dwellings for the
operatives of our new
cigar factories. All of the buildings now
up have been rented as soon as completed,
and a hundred more houses could be
rented to the present population. Mean-
while the commercial business of the town
is constantly increasing and the resident
population growing larger. Before the
cigar factories can settle down to business,
eight hundred houses must be erected by
some one. Here is an opportunity for in-
vestors not equalled by any town we
know of.—Port Tampa Mail.
Furman Boilers will Heat the Horticul-
tural Greenhouses at the World’s
Fair Exposition.
The Mammoth Greenhouses, comprising
the annex of the horticultural building of
the Columbian Exposition, to be held in
Chicago next year, will be heated by the
Furman boilers. The contract was made
last week by the Chicago branch of the
Herendeen Manufacturing Company and
the Bureau of Construction of the World’s
Fair, after a careful investigation by John
Thorp, Chief of the Department of Flori-
culture, of the merits of the various boil-
ers used by the leading florists of the
The greenhouse will be 575 feet in length
and 50 feet in width, with 21,000 square
feet of glass covering. It will be divided
into eight floral compartments, two potting
sheds and a boiler room, and will be sup-
plied with heat at a uniform
by four of the largest Furman steam boil-
ers. They will be set in batteries of two
each, and the attachments will be complete
and perfect. The system of piping to be
employed is the “overhead flow and return
under bed,” which secures uniformity and
efficacy in heating and in maintaining the
necessary temperature.
The first of the boiler* have been ship-
ped from Geneva, and will be placed in
position at once for immediate use, and the
• V'
Plans and Specifications for Jails furnished, showing the best Locking System ever used.
The largest manufacturers of Fence, Cresting, Weather Vanes, Flower Vases, Settees, Railings, and
Stair Work in the United States.
Correspondence solicited from all parties wanting any of the above goods.
Jail, Structural Iron, or Fence Catalogues furnished upon application. Address

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