Texas State Association of Architects. 13
Moved by Mr. Dickey, that as a compliment to the faithful and honorable practice of architecture in Texas, for a period of over twenty years, that Col. J. Larmour be elected an honorary member, without dues, for life, seconded by Mr. Gordon. Unanimous.
Mr. Dickey report that he had not received assistance from his associates upon the committee appointed to visit Austin during the meeting of the legislature and use their best efforts to have the word "architect" inserted in the lien law. Upon motion of Mr. Gill, Mr. Dickey granted further time to report.
Mr. Watson having been excused by President Stewart, Mr. Riley Gordon, of San Antonio, was appointed secretary pro tem.
Mr. Rabitt moved, seconded by Mr. Tobey, a vote of thanks to preisdent Stewart for his beautifully engrossed memorial prepared by him and sent to Messrs. John W. Root and R. M. Hunt, president A. I. A. Carried.
Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Rabitt,
Resolved, by this association, that we strongly condemn as being unprofessional for architects to allow contractors or others to present in competition the plans of architects as being their own property or productions. Carried.
Offered by Mr. Gill, seconded by Mr. Rabitt.
Whereas, it is the frequent practice by those contemplating the erection of buildings, more especially in public buildings, advertising for plans and bids together. Therefore be it --
Resolved by this association that it is hereby declared to be highly unprofessional for architects to engage in competition where such practice is invited and that we strongly condemn such action in members of this association. Carried.
Mr. Clayton's invitation for a drive over the city, where upon motion of Mr. Tobey, seconded by Mr. Gordon, was unanimously accepted for 10 o'clock a. m., Jan. 21st.
OFfered by Mr. Muller, seconded by Mr. Dickey.
Whereas, it is desirous that the members of the Texas State Association of Architects, should form local chapters in their respective cities. Be it --
Resolved, that all members of this association endeavor to induce all architects, not members of our association and (honorably) practicing the profession, to join these local organizations with the view of ultimately securing them as members of the T. S. A. A. Unanimous.
Offered by Mr. Rabitt, seconded by Mr. Muller.
Resolved, that the president of this association call a special meeting to be held at Dallas, during the fair in OCtober, and that he notify each member sixty days beforehand that the object of the meeting is to change the time for holding the annual meeting from JAnuary to October. Carried.
Offered by Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Gill.
Resolved, that the thanks of the T. S. A. A., be ten-
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