civilization. So definite are the characteristics of the styles of different nations, at different periods, that from the mere form and carving of mouldings and decorations of any structure its, age and country can usually be determined by the architect of the present day. Thus we find that whatever variety is to be observed, among the early buildings in our own country in the various part are due chiefly to their different origin. Let us glance at a few of there. Take for instance the [?] of New England and Virigina and the Carolinas. They differ but slightly from each other. They are chiefly the work of English Mechanics, trained in the methods and styles of English buildings of that day. The architecture of St. Augustine and New Orleans reflect truly their continental origin. St. Augustine remains the present day a tour of the old world, with its original Spanish phyisgnomy unchanged. The streets are very narrow. The principal thoroughfare not over twelve to fifteen fixed wide, and the balconies of the old houses project so as to meet overhead. It has the distinction of being the oldest
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